Royal Rumble Predictions: Natalya and Paige VS The Bella Twins
Hello everyone, Welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well. As you know this Sunday the WWE will present the first pay per view of the year, the two thousand and fourteen Royal Rumble, kick starting the Road to Wrestlemania. This mean's I'm back with predictions week. Throughout the whole of this week leading right up to the Royal Rumble it's self, I will uploading my predictions for every match on the card including the actual Royal Rumble match. Now, I have already mentioned that this month things will be a little different due to the format of this pay per view. I will still be doing individual predictions for the matches set for the show but for the actual Royal Rumble match I will be uploading mini predictions covering different possible outcomes of the match, just so there is more content and so you get a better feel of what my full predictions are heading into the pay per view. I will be sure to leave the links bellow to any recent posts so you can stay all up to date, and finally, you can let me know what YOUR predictions are for this Sunday's live show by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Instead of a divas championship match, the WWE announced this past week on RAW that Natalya and Paige would be teaming up to take on Nikki and Brie, The Bella twins. If I'm honest I'm pretty damn disappointed with this. For the past month or so the WWE have been giving Nattie and Paige victories over the champ, Nikki Bella, and when the pay per view comes around they put on a tag team match, witch makes no sense. A triple threat match between Nikki, Paige and Natalya would of made much more sense and gone down much better. I get why they did it, I suppose they want to build up the match a little more and add some extra heat, There's also the possibility they plan on turning Brie baby face again and having a fatal four way instead of another triple threat. I have to admit I do worry that the real reason there is no title match this weekend is because there's no AJ Lee. It seem the WWE may be waiting again for AJ Lee to return and give her yet another divas championship opportunity and title reign. You all probably know by now that I'm a huge fan of AJ lee and I think she more than deserves to be wear she is right now however, as I mentioned several times in my Women's month series, there are plenty of other strong (even better wrestlers than her) who deserve a shot at the title and a long reign and one of those women is Natalya. I have to admit, that despite the fact she get's so much hate, it refreshing seeing a new champion in Nikki Bella.
It was the night after Wrestlemania that British Diva Paige made her debut on the main roster and in under a year she has achieved so much. Becoming the first diva to hold the NXT women's championship and the WWE Divas championship at the first time, the youngest ever divas champion, a two time divas champion and featured on almost every single pay per view since Extreme Rules, Paige has become a fan favourite and one the most promising, popular divas in the locker room. Her unique stile is almost impossible not to love and the fact she has been added to the Total Divas cast means her career is only going one way, up and up. This Sunday Paige will team up with new bestie and top veteran in the divas division, Natalya. If you have seen these guys in the ring together you will know that they can put on an amazing match up, you just have to look at their NXT work to see that. So you can only imagine how good a triple threat match would of been, but I do think these girls are gonna work amazingly well with each other and are likely to be the victors. It's likely Paige will bet the stand out, she's the youngest on the roster and clearly the companies latest favourite diva so the spotlight will be on her quite a bit. And lets face it, Paige is bursting with character and this is the perfect match to really show that. I also think this is really going to be Paige's night and we will finally see what she is made of and we will see the real Paige we saw down in NXT. There's a slight slight possibility that she will turn on Natalya after the match, setting the foundation for a triple threat match in the next month.
The past year has been pretty crazy for Natalya. Total Divas showed some awkward scenes, she got little air time on the main roster yet had one of the best diva feuds in the history of the WWE and one of the best matches of the year over on NXT against Charlotte and so this Sunday will really be a taster of what is to come for her this year and to be honest I think it's gonna be a good weekend for
her. She already has two victories over the current divas champion and has had some impressive performances. I think there's going to be a lot of things Nattie does in the ring this weekend that really makes her stand out but the fact she is in the ring with three of the most popular divas on the roster means she really is going to be fighting for the attention even though she is clearly the best all round technical wrestler.
The Bella Twins
This past year has been extremely amazing for the Bella twins, they have been thrown right into the spotlight and they spent most of twenty fourteen at the fore front of their division. Their the faces of hit reality show Total Divas, Brie had one of the best storyline's of the year with her husband Daniel Bryan and even got to compete against Stephanie McMahon at one of the biggest pay per views of the year. As for Nikki, she has been one the most improved women in the locker room and has proved she is more than worthy of being the divas champion, I never understood the Brie Bella heel turn, it was completely out of the blue and made no sense what so ever. Nikki makes a great heel, it's clear that's what she is suppose to be but Brie is much much better suited as a baby face. I think these girls could dominate a good chunk of the match but I can't see them winning. It would make no sense to build up Nattie and Paige for a potential shot at the championship to have Nikki and Brie win and move on to something new.

The divas division have proved that it's all about booking. Their in the WWE because they are talented wrestlers it's just the fact they are booked so badly that the we don't get to see just how talented they are. I'm hoping that this week the girls get a decent amount of time in the ring and really get to show what they can do. I think it's very possible we could see AJ Lee come out during this match of near the end.
Who I want to win: Paige and Natalya
Who I think will win: Paige and Natalya
Instead of a divas championship match, the WWE announced this past week on RAW that Natalya and Paige would be teaming up to take on Nikki and Brie, The Bella twins. If I'm honest I'm pretty damn disappointed with this. For the past month or so the WWE have been giving Nattie and Paige victories over the champ, Nikki Bella, and when the pay per view comes around they put on a tag team match, witch makes no sense. A triple threat match between Nikki, Paige and Natalya would of made much more sense and gone down much better. I get why they did it, I suppose they want to build up the match a little more and add some extra heat, There's also the possibility they plan on turning Brie baby face again and having a fatal four way instead of another triple threat. I have to admit I do worry that the real reason there is no title match this weekend is because there's no AJ Lee. It seem the WWE may be waiting again for AJ Lee to return and give her yet another divas championship opportunity and title reign. You all probably know by now that I'm a huge fan of AJ lee and I think she more than deserves to be wear she is right now however, as I mentioned several times in my Women's month series, there are plenty of other strong (even better wrestlers than her) who deserve a shot at the title and a long reign and one of those women is Natalya. I have to admit, that despite the fact she get's so much hate, it refreshing seeing a new champion in Nikki Bella.
It was the night after Wrestlemania that British Diva Paige made her debut on the main roster and in under a year she has achieved so much. Becoming the first diva to hold the NXT women's championship and the WWE Divas championship at the first time, the youngest ever divas champion, a two time divas champion and featured on almost every single pay per view since Extreme Rules, Paige has become a fan favourite and one the most promising, popular divas in the locker room. Her unique stile is almost impossible not to love and the fact she has been added to the Total Divas cast means her career is only going one way, up and up. This Sunday Paige will team up with new bestie and top veteran in the divas division, Natalya. If you have seen these guys in the ring together you will know that they can put on an amazing match up, you just have to look at their NXT work to see that. So you can only imagine how good a triple threat match would of been, but I do think these girls are gonna work amazingly well with each other and are likely to be the victors. It's likely Paige will bet the stand out, she's the youngest on the roster and clearly the companies latest favourite diva so the spotlight will be on her quite a bit. And lets face it, Paige is bursting with character and this is the perfect match to really show that. I also think this is really going to be Paige's night and we will finally see what she is made of and we will see the real Paige we saw down in NXT. There's a slight slight possibility that she will turn on Natalya after the match, setting the foundation for a triple threat match in the next month.
The past year has been pretty crazy for Natalya. Total Divas showed some awkward scenes, she got little air time on the main roster yet had one of the best diva feuds in the history of the WWE and one of the best matches of the year over on NXT against Charlotte and so this Sunday will really be a taster of what is to come for her this year and to be honest I think it's gonna be a good weekend for
her. She already has two victories over the current divas champion and has had some impressive performances. I think there's going to be a lot of things Nattie does in the ring this weekend that really makes her stand out but the fact she is in the ring with three of the most popular divas on the roster means she really is going to be fighting for the attention even though she is clearly the best all round technical wrestler.
The Bella Twins
This past year has been extremely amazing for the Bella twins, they have been thrown right into the spotlight and they spent most of twenty fourteen at the fore front of their division. Their the faces of hit reality show Total Divas, Brie had one of the best storyline's of the year with her husband Daniel Bryan and even got to compete against Stephanie McMahon at one of the biggest pay per views of the year. As for Nikki, she has been one the most improved women in the locker room and has proved she is more than worthy of being the divas champion, I never understood the Brie Bella heel turn, it was completely out of the blue and made no sense what so ever. Nikki makes a great heel, it's clear that's what she is suppose to be but Brie is much much better suited as a baby face. I think these girls could dominate a good chunk of the match but I can't see them winning. It would make no sense to build up Nattie and Paige for a potential shot at the championship to have Nikki and Brie win and move on to something new.

The divas division have proved that it's all about booking. Their in the WWE because they are talented wrestlers it's just the fact they are booked so badly that the we don't get to see just how talented they are. I'm hoping that this week the girls get a decent amount of time in the ring and really get to show what they can do. I think it's very possible we could see AJ Lee come out during this match of near the end.
Who I want to win: Paige and Natalya
Who I think will win: Paige and Natalya
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