RAW Review and Reactions
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope your all well. Last night saw the final RAW before this Sunday's Royal Rumble pay per view and with it also being the RAW Reunion it was a busy night and to be honest it was actually a pretty good episode this week. It was one of those shows that started really well and ended really well but there was that section of the night that made you think "why exactly am I watching this?". The booking was strong and for once it made sense but once again,there were moments during the show where I literally wanted to throw something at my television. As you may already know, because it is a pay per view weekend, all week is prediction week on Talk Wrestling World, and the uploads have already started, I will leave the links bellow to part one and any other recent posts including the final post in my women's moth series and all of last weeks Review and reactions post including RAW and Smackdown and this week's Total divas review and reaction also. Finally, you can let me know what YOU thought of last night's show by leaving a comment bellow or y tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So the night started out with a huge segment, as the current WWE World heavyweight champion, Brock Lesnar, addressed the WWE universe and Mr Money in the bank Seth Rollins after what took place last week during RAW. Now, usually I have a good old moan about segments and promo's kicking off RAW, mainly because it's always the same thing, making it all very boring and at the end of the day we're watching the show for actual Wrestling. However, this was a really really good start to the show. It all fitted in really well with the pay per view set to take place this Sunday. It added the extra heat the championship match was missing and actually got me and I'm sure many others pretty excited for this weekend. It was also good seeing Lesnar actually talk for himself. Heyman does a great job being Brock's advocate and there's no denying the simple fact Paul Heyman is one of the greatest speakers of all time; but when the champ who's hardly there, who hardly ever speaks, actually take's control of a segment and talks for himself, it really adds a new feel to the match. Suddenly it meant more and became much more anticipated. It wouldn't take too long for Lesnar to make it perfectly clear that after Rollins curb stomped him during the closing moments of last week's episode, he wanted him in the ring right then and there. But of course we we're not going to get that and Triple H took it upon himself to once again attempt to clean up Rollin's mess. But when things started to get a little heated between H and Lesnar it was time for the queen, Stephanie McMahon to take centre stage, and we all know when Stephanie's music hits, shit's going down. With The Authority in the ring alongside the champ and Paul Heyman and Rollins on titron. Yes, that's right, Rollins new better than to go inside the same ring as an angry Brock Lesnar ans stayed backstage but still visible. With all the seriousness and talk of the WWE World Heavyweight championship it became clear there was a missing part to the puzzle piece, John Cena. Rocking a new set of merchandise Cena made it perfectly clear to the Authority and the WWE universe that he was going to win back the World championship this Sunday and bring back Dolph Ziggler, Ryback and Erick Rowan was still a mission for him, claiming he would "do anything to bring those guys back". Taking full advantage of every word Cena had just spoke, the Authority made a deal with the fifteen time champ. All he had to do was win he's main event match later on in the night. It wasn't announced who he would be facing but if he lost the match not only would the three superstars remain fired but Cena would loose he's place in the championship match this Sunday. Leaving it in the hands of the WWE universe to decide, whether or not he has the match Cena was left mentally preparing himself to later find out what he's fate would be.
Bray Wyatt VS Daniel Bryan
The first match of the night saw a recently returning Daniel Bryan take on former arch rival, Bray Wyatt, making this Bryan's first match on Monday night RAW in over nine whole months. Now, we all know these two can steal any show. It was around this time last year at the two thousand and fourteen Royal Rumble that Bryan and Wyatt went one on one in one of the best matches of the year, so my standards for their match last night was pretty high. However, I was really worried for Bray. After recently winning a huge feud with Dean Ambrose he was beaming with momentum heading into what will be he's first Royal Rumble match, and I made it clear on twitter last week that I felt it
was best they kept him out of the ring until Sunday's pay per view. I was one hundred per cent convinced that he would be simple jobbing to Bryan last night so the people's favourite would have some much needed momentum going into the Royal Rumble match. That being said, I also mentioned last week that I felt they should of kept Daniel Bryan out of the ring until the Royal Rumble also. It just made more sense to do so. I understand they are trying to build up a feud for him but it just feels like if they had waited for him to make he's huge return at the Royal Rumble it would of fitted better and made much more sense. But it does look as if they are saving the big return for Randy Orton (even though two huge returns would of been better). The match lived up to the expectations, it could of been a little longer but with so much scheduled for the show the match had to be this length. Kane spent most of the match at ringside watching on witch has led me to believe we are getting another Kane/ Bryan feud. I tweeted out last night that I hated their feud the last time and I hate it now. I don't think there's a single person in the entire world that wants to see another feud between these two. The match was split however surprisingly, Bray dominated a huge chunk of it. There were parts of the match that were more important than we think, like how Bray went over the top rope during the match, it was like a slight indication of how he might get eliminated or to watch him when he's near the ropes. What I loved the most about this match was the ending. Giving Bray the win was a good move, just giving him the extra momentum and it made it clear the WWE wasn't going to be giving Bryan the treatment everyone thought he was going to get. A part of me did think it would of been better if the match ended in DQ with Kane getting involved just because then it would't have given Bray any unnecessary attention before the Royal Rumble, but good match and good ending, Kane and Bryan will go one on one this Thursday on Smackdown.
Royal Rumble Legends Panel
We then had one of my personal favourite moments of the night, the Royal Rumble Legends panel, witch of course consisted of Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair and hosted by the latest Smackdown commentator, Byron Saxton. Before I go too into this I want to quickly say how proud I was last night of Byron. He's such an underrated commentator and ring announcer who has worked he's ass off for years now down in NXT and FCW and he really does deserve the spotlight he is getting. He did a great job on Smackdown last week on the commentary team and interviewing Daniel Bryan and even better job last night hosting the panel, you could just see how much he was loving every single moment. Now, on to the actual panel and well these three guys played a huge part in my childhood. My Granddad is a huge Hulk Hogan fan so I'm a huge Hulk Hogan Fan. Whenever I look at Shawn Michaels, it's like I'm look back at my childhood and as for Ric Flair he's one of my all time faves witch you all probably know by now. It was amazing hearing and going back in history, talking about WCW and the first set of Royal Rumble matches and re-living the amazing histories these three amazing legends have inside this match. I honestly love the idea of the Royal Rumble Legends Panel. It reinforced the importance of the pay per view and get's everyone excited for the show. During the end of the little panel show, Byron asked all three legends who they thought is going to win the two thousand and fifteen Royal Rumble; Michaels choose Bray Wyatt, Hogan picked Daniel Bryan and Ric Flair choose the lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose. I have to admit I was very happy to see that someone choose Ambrose but Reigns got no mention. The legends picks ruffled the feathers of the big show and the giant made he's way down the ring to express how he felt about each one of them and highlighted the fact he was a giant, claiming no one will be able to through over an almost five hundred pound man over the top rope, clearly forgetting about Wrestlemania thirty and Cesaro. As Show's anger got even worse he ended up knocking out Ric Flair witch caused Roman Reigns to make he's way to the ring. That's right, super Reigns came to the rescue after the damage was done and did was the Big show claimed was impossible, hauling the 450 pound body of Show over the top rope. Sneaky preview of what's going to happen this Sunday.
Dean Ambrose VS Bad News Barrett
We then had a none title match between Dean Ambrose and the current Intercontinental champion, Bad News Barrett. You all probably know by now, I'm a huge fan of both of these superstars and they could easily steal the show any day of the week and I honestly think they could have a pretty awesome feud if they were given it. What I love about these two is how old school their style is. These are two hardcore brawlers that don't have any restrictions in the ring and are so unpredictable. At the same time, Dean has this amazing technical side to him too witch we don't really get to see very often, but hopefully that will start to change. He does a great job with the crazy, extreme stipulations but he has a whole other side we are yet to see in the ring. Despite not having that long in the ring, the two put on a great match up, witch saw Ambrose score a clean victory over the champ, technically earning him a shot at the title. I don't really see the idea of having Barrett loose so often. It was a couple of weeks ago he lost a match against Sin Cara on Smackdown not he looses a match against Ambrose. But I do feel thee is good meaning behind this and he's got huge moment coming up, maybe even a Wrestlemania moment. With Ambrose having some extra momentum on he's side the only thing holding him back this Sunday at the Royal Rumble is that knee injury witch I don't think is legit but I have a feeling somehow it's going to play into he's performance this weekend.
The New Day VS Tyson Kidd and Cesaro
Up next, tag team action as Tyson Kidd and Cesaro took on Big E and Kofi Kingston. Another solid match. It was last week on Main event that the six man tag match between the new day and Tyson Kid, Cesaro and Adam Rose the these guys stole the show and had an amazing match up. I think the WWE universe are finally starting to connect with the New day and understand what their all about. All superstars had a great performance last night with Cesaro being the stand out for me. This was one of those matches where it doesn't matter who wins, their all winners kind of thing. But it was the new day walking away with a victory again last night.
The burial of the Ascension
I don't even know if I can talk about the next part of the show without smashing my lap top. So, the WWE thought it was a great idea to build up one of their hottest, most promising tag teams they have for several weeks to have them beaten down by legends including their god damn heel tag commentator. I have never ever felt so angry and happy at the same time and I have to admit the beat down of the Ascension really did ruin the whole reunion for me and I could't enjoy it the way I wanted to. I have so much faith and belief in the Ascension and I had so many high hopes for them going up to the main roster but it's just been a disaster.They build them up weakly, they change their style completely and the have them beat down. I just want to strangle the creative team! Seriously, who thought it was a good idea to have the heel commentator beat down the HEEL tag team!? It makes no sense. I've also decided I hate JBL and anything involving him makes me want to scream! It was announced that at the Royal Rumble the Ascension would take on the new age out laws, predictions for that match will be up late this week.
Natalya & Paige VS Summer Rae & Alicia Fox
Literally nothing made sense about this four minuets of the night. I mentioned just yesterday afternoon and in my prediction post that I was so happy they had Summer working as a baby face and how well I thought she was going to do in her new role, then they have her work as a heel again on RAW. What the hell?? Anyway, this was just a match to quickly put over Natalya and Paige before Sunday as they take on the Bella twins in a tag team match at the Royal Rumble pay per view. Why they did't have Natalya VS Paige VS Nikki for the Divas championship, I have no freaking clue.
John Cena VS Seth Rollins VS Kane VS The Big show
The main event saw John Cena take on Kane, the big show and Seth Rollins and if Cena won than we would see Erick Rowan, Ryback and Dolph Ziggler re-hired but if he lost than they would remain fired and Cena would loose he's place in the WWE World heavyweight championship match. This main event was actually pretty good, I mean it was a predictable layout but it was good. The ending was perfect! Seeing Sting again legit made me die a little inside and the closing moments with Brock made me just want to watch the Royal Rumble right then and there.
Total Divas review and reactions
Royal Rumble Predictions part one
So the night started out with a huge segment, as the current WWE World heavyweight champion, Brock Lesnar, addressed the WWE universe and Mr Money in the bank Seth Rollins after what took place last week during RAW. Now, usually I have a good old moan about segments and promo's kicking off RAW, mainly because it's always the same thing, making it all very boring and at the end of the day we're watching the show for actual Wrestling. However, this was a really really good start to the show. It all fitted in really well with the pay per view set to take place this Sunday. It added the extra heat the championship match was missing and actually got me and I'm sure many others pretty excited for this weekend. It was also good seeing Lesnar actually talk for himself. Heyman does a great job being Brock's advocate and there's no denying the simple fact Paul Heyman is one of the greatest speakers of all time; but when the champ who's hardly there, who hardly ever speaks, actually take's control of a segment and talks for himself, it really adds a new feel to the match. Suddenly it meant more and became much more anticipated. It wouldn't take too long for Lesnar to make it perfectly clear that after Rollins curb stomped him during the closing moments of last week's episode, he wanted him in the ring right then and there. But of course we we're not going to get that and Triple H took it upon himself to once again attempt to clean up Rollin's mess. But when things started to get a little heated between H and Lesnar it was time for the queen, Stephanie McMahon to take centre stage, and we all know when Stephanie's music hits, shit's going down. With The Authority in the ring alongside the champ and Paul Heyman and Rollins on titron. Yes, that's right, Rollins new better than to go inside the same ring as an angry Brock Lesnar ans stayed backstage but still visible. With all the seriousness and talk of the WWE World Heavyweight championship it became clear there was a missing part to the puzzle piece, John Cena. Rocking a new set of merchandise Cena made it perfectly clear to the Authority and the WWE universe that he was going to win back the World championship this Sunday and bring back Dolph Ziggler, Ryback and Erick Rowan was still a mission for him, claiming he would "do anything to bring those guys back". Taking full advantage of every word Cena had just spoke, the Authority made a deal with the fifteen time champ. All he had to do was win he's main event match later on in the night. It wasn't announced who he would be facing but if he lost the match not only would the three superstars remain fired but Cena would loose he's place in the championship match this Sunday. Leaving it in the hands of the WWE universe to decide, whether or not he has the match Cena was left mentally preparing himself to later find out what he's fate would be.
Bray Wyatt VS Daniel Bryan
The first match of the night saw a recently returning Daniel Bryan take on former arch rival, Bray Wyatt, making this Bryan's first match on Monday night RAW in over nine whole months. Now, we all know these two can steal any show. It was around this time last year at the two thousand and fourteen Royal Rumble that Bryan and Wyatt went one on one in one of the best matches of the year, so my standards for their match last night was pretty high. However, I was really worried for Bray. After recently winning a huge feud with Dean Ambrose he was beaming with momentum heading into what will be he's first Royal Rumble match, and I made it clear on twitter last week that I felt it

Royal Rumble Legends Panel
We then had one of my personal favourite moments of the night, the Royal Rumble Legends panel, witch of course consisted of Hulk Hogan, Shawn Michaels and Ric Flair and hosted by the latest Smackdown commentator, Byron Saxton. Before I go too into this I want to quickly say how proud I was last night of Byron. He's such an underrated commentator and ring announcer who has worked he's ass off for years now down in NXT and FCW and he really does deserve the spotlight he is getting. He did a great job on Smackdown last week on the commentary team and interviewing Daniel Bryan and even better job last night hosting the panel, you could just see how much he was loving every single moment. Now, on to the actual panel and well these three guys played a huge part in my childhood. My Granddad is a huge Hulk Hogan fan so I'm a huge Hulk Hogan Fan. Whenever I look at Shawn Michaels, it's like I'm look back at my childhood and as for Ric Flair he's one of my all time faves witch you all probably know by now. It was amazing hearing and going back in history, talking about WCW and the first set of Royal Rumble matches and re-living the amazing histories these three amazing legends have inside this match. I honestly love the idea of the Royal Rumble Legends Panel. It reinforced the importance of the pay per view and get's everyone excited for the show. During the end of the little panel show, Byron asked all three legends who they thought is going to win the two thousand and fifteen Royal Rumble; Michaels choose Bray Wyatt, Hogan picked Daniel Bryan and Ric Flair choose the lunatic fringe, Dean Ambrose. I have to admit I was very happy to see that someone choose Ambrose but Reigns got no mention. The legends picks ruffled the feathers of the big show and the giant made he's way down the ring to express how he felt about each one of them and highlighted the fact he was a giant, claiming no one will be able to through over an almost five hundred pound man over the top rope, clearly forgetting about Wrestlemania thirty and Cesaro. As Show's anger got even worse he ended up knocking out Ric Flair witch caused Roman Reigns to make he's way to the ring. That's right, super Reigns came to the rescue after the damage was done and did was the Big show claimed was impossible, hauling the 450 pound body of Show over the top rope. Sneaky preview of what's going to happen this Sunday.
Dean Ambrose VS Bad News Barrett
We then had a none title match between Dean Ambrose and the current Intercontinental champion, Bad News Barrett. You all probably know by now, I'm a huge fan of both of these superstars and they could easily steal the show any day of the week and I honestly think they could have a pretty awesome feud if they were given it. What I love about these two is how old school their style is. These are two hardcore brawlers that don't have any restrictions in the ring and are so unpredictable. At the same time, Dean has this amazing technical side to him too witch we don't really get to see very often, but hopefully that will start to change. He does a great job with the crazy, extreme stipulations but he has a whole other side we are yet to see in the ring. Despite not having that long in the ring, the two put on a great match up, witch saw Ambrose score a clean victory over the champ, technically earning him a shot at the title. I don't really see the idea of having Barrett loose so often. It was a couple of weeks ago he lost a match against Sin Cara on Smackdown not he looses a match against Ambrose. But I do feel thee is good meaning behind this and he's got huge moment coming up, maybe even a Wrestlemania moment. With Ambrose having some extra momentum on he's side the only thing holding him back this Sunday at the Royal Rumble is that knee injury witch I don't think is legit but I have a feeling somehow it's going to play into he's performance this weekend.
The New Day VS Tyson Kidd and Cesaro
Up next, tag team action as Tyson Kidd and Cesaro took on Big E and Kofi Kingston. Another solid match. It was last week on Main event that the six man tag match between the new day and Tyson Kid, Cesaro and Adam Rose the these guys stole the show and had an amazing match up. I think the WWE universe are finally starting to connect with the New day and understand what their all about. All superstars had a great performance last night with Cesaro being the stand out for me. This was one of those matches where it doesn't matter who wins, their all winners kind of thing. But it was the new day walking away with a victory again last night.
The burial of the Ascension

Natalya & Paige VS Summer Rae & Alicia Fox
Literally nothing made sense about this four minuets of the night. I mentioned just yesterday afternoon and in my prediction post that I was so happy they had Summer working as a baby face and how well I thought she was going to do in her new role, then they have her work as a heel again on RAW. What the hell?? Anyway, this was just a match to quickly put over Natalya and Paige before Sunday as they take on the Bella twins in a tag team match at the Royal Rumble pay per view. Why they did't have Natalya VS Paige VS Nikki for the Divas championship, I have no freaking clue.
John Cena VS Seth Rollins VS Kane VS The Big show
The main event saw John Cena take on Kane, the big show and Seth Rollins and if Cena won than we would see Erick Rowan, Ryback and Dolph Ziggler re-hired but if he lost than they would remain fired and Cena would loose he's place in the WWE World heavyweight championship match. This main event was actually pretty good, I mean it was a predictable layout but it was good. The ending was perfect! Seeing Sting again legit made me die a little inside and the closing moments with Brock made me just want to watch the Royal Rumble right then and there.
Total Divas review and reactions
Royal Rumble Predictions part one
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