Royal Rumble Review and Reactions
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope your all well. Last night the WWE brought us the first pay per view of the year, Royal Rumble, as the Road to Wrestlemania began. With a decent card the show started out extremely well but ended terribly making the show go from amazing to terrible in a matter of one hour.The night allowed he up and coming stars to really shine and take over and with huge, shocking returns it's safe to say last nights pay per view was an emotional roller-coaster to say the least. With almost three hours of action the foundation for the Wrestlemania feuds and storyline's were set. Today I have for you my full review and reactions for the whole show, I will leave the links bellow to any recent posts so you can stay all up to date and you can also let me know what YOU thought of last nights show by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
New Age Outlaws VS The Ascension
The first match was probably the match I was most passionate about as you all know. This match could not of been more important for Konnor and Viktor. I actually tweeted out that if they lost the match they would of been better off leaving the WWE because that would of been it for their career and would of made no sense what so ever. The match itself was short, simple and sweet. We got everything we needed and most importantly the Ascension got everything they needed. I have to say that the New age outlaws looked amazing last night and in great great shape, especially Billy Gunn, I made a few tweets last nights expressing how I felt about Billy last night, witch I think we will leave at that. As I said the match was short and simple but we got everything we needed. There was enough time for the Ascension to show us more and really prove they deserve to be here. I do think the match should of been just a little longer so that we could of seen just a little more from Konnor and Viktor but I can't complain at all because they did knock off one of the all time great tag teams. This win will really help them in the next thew months or so and the next pay per view will be really important for them. Nice start to the pay per view, really nice start.
The Usos VS The Miz and Damien Mizdow
We the had the tag team title defence match witch saw the Usos defend the championships against The Miz and Damien Mizdow. Now, you all know full well I'm far from a fan of either of these tag teams and usually I would of used this match as a piss break or just would of ignored my TV but I really wanted to get as into every match as I possibly could and I have to admit I'm glad I did. The match was far from match of the year but it was decent and made a nice filler for the night. As much as I hate to say it the Usos were the stand of this match and really did have a great performance but I have to give it to the Miz, he was the centre piece of this match. I mentioned last night that you can love him or hate him but The Miz knows how to be an amazing heel and work and as for Sandow this guy is just money. The crowed went insane for him and stayed pretty damn loyal to him throughout. Of course the Usos won witch was the best move to make and after certain events I'm pretty sure Damien will be turning on Miz pretty soon as for who will be next to take on Jimmy and Jey I'd say it's down to Cesaro and Tyson Kidd and of course The Ascension.
Paige and Natalya VS The Bella Twins
Up next was divas action and you know what this was actually a really good match. The problem with the divas is that they are pretty much all extremely talented but the poor booking means we don't get to see that. I mentioned last night on twitter that if these girls got a good amount of time in the ring last night then they would be able to really give us a strong match because there was a live event match a while back witch I will try and leave the link to bellow so you can check out, where these girls just owned it and gave a great tag tea match. Thankfully, and to my surprise these girls got a great amount of time in the ring last night and hopefully this is something that's going to become a regular thing. The only problem I had about this match was the fact we hardly had any Paige in the match. The Bella's were on fire last night and had a great performance as did Natalya. What they all showed was serious strength. The divas get a lot of stick for their strength but these divas proved they can do just what the superstars can do and a little more. I also want to quickly mention how much it infuriates me that people say they want loner diva matches but when they get it they moan and say its boring. Anyway, The Bella's scored the win.
Seth Rollins VS Brock Lesnar VS John Cena
It was then time for the WWE World Heavyweight championship match as Brock Lesnar was set to defend the title against John Cena and Mr Money in the bank Seth Rollins. Now this was a title match. These guys put on one of the best triple threat matches I have ever seen and trust me I'm not a triple threat match fan at all so that's a pretty big deal. They all had a solid performance but it was Cena who fell flat simply because Seth and Brock took it to all new heights and really did change the feel of the match. For me it was Rollins who stole the show. I predicted way before the match started that Rollins was gonna be the man of the match but I never ever predicted he would have such an amazing performance. He did stuff in the ring last night I haven't seen anyone do in years and he proved he really is the future of the WWE. As for Lesnar he has an equally amazing performance. He just did stuff last night I don't think I have ever seen anyone do. We all knew Lesnar was super human but he took things to a whole new level last night and left me speechless, that's right he left ME speechless. The match had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through and was I loved the most was how unpredictable it was. You genuinely had no idea who was gonna win, how and who they would pin. This is what the fans want in a championship match and the ending was perfect with Lesnar rightfully retaining.
The Royal Rumble Match
Finally, we had the Royal Rumble match. I don't know where to start with this to be honest. It stared out amazing. I was marking out left,, right and centre, there was screaming and shouting and cheering echoing right through my house for all the right reasons (that sounded weird). We had the returns of the Boggy man and Bubba Ray. By the way I have never in my life marked out more than that moment Bubba returned. It was like demon took over my body. The return of the Boggy man was the second huge mark out moment of the night, since the instagram picture of him and Bray Wyatt I have wanted a feud between the two. Can you just imagine what they would give us at Wrestlemania? I need that in my life. As soon as Bryan was eliminated the match went downhill and I know I should of just gone to bed right then and there. It made no sense what so ever eliminating the favourite to win half way through. I personally didn't want Bryan to win but I didn't want him to be eliminated so early on in the match especially after such a big build up. If they have him feud with Kane from now on I may go mentally insane. Rusev and Bray had a great performance, they where the strongest of
the night in my opinion. Bray in particular stole the whole Royal Rumble match and dominated a huge chunk of it, hats off to Rusev also who had another solid performance. Disappointments for me were Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston. I had such high expectations of them and they just failed to live up to them but it wasn't their fault at all. I was also really annoyed we had no NXT entrant. The Royal Rumble match is the perfect place to showcase the stars of the future yet we had not a single NXT entrant. I was also surprised to not see Orton make a return. You all know how I feel about Reigns winning, personally even thought I didn't want Bryan to win I think he should of. Storyline wise it would of made sense and I would of paid serious money to watch Daniel Bryan VS Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania.
My RAW Predictions will be up later on today so keep an eye out for that.
Why Seth Rollins/ Daniel Bryan feud is best for business
New Age Outlaws VS The Ascension
The first match was probably the match I was most passionate about as you all know. This match could not of been more important for Konnor and Viktor. I actually tweeted out that if they lost the match they would of been better off leaving the WWE because that would of been it for their career and would of made no sense what so ever. The match itself was short, simple and sweet. We got everything we needed and most importantly the Ascension got everything they needed. I have to say that the New age outlaws looked amazing last night and in great great shape, especially Billy Gunn, I made a few tweets last nights expressing how I felt about Billy last night, witch I think we will leave at that. As I said the match was short and simple but we got everything we needed. There was enough time for the Ascension to show us more and really prove they deserve to be here. I do think the match should of been just a little longer so that we could of seen just a little more from Konnor and Viktor but I can't complain at all because they did knock off one of the all time great tag teams. This win will really help them in the next thew months or so and the next pay per view will be really important for them. Nice start to the pay per view, really nice start.
The Usos VS The Miz and Damien Mizdow
We the had the tag team title defence match witch saw the Usos defend the championships against The Miz and Damien Mizdow. Now, you all know full well I'm far from a fan of either of these tag teams and usually I would of used this match as a piss break or just would of ignored my TV but I really wanted to get as into every match as I possibly could and I have to admit I'm glad I did. The match was far from match of the year but it was decent and made a nice filler for the night. As much as I hate to say it the Usos were the stand of this match and really did have a great performance but I have to give it to the Miz, he was the centre piece of this match. I mentioned last night that you can love him or hate him but The Miz knows how to be an amazing heel and work and as for Sandow this guy is just money. The crowed went insane for him and stayed pretty damn loyal to him throughout. Of course the Usos won witch was the best move to make and after certain events I'm pretty sure Damien will be turning on Miz pretty soon as for who will be next to take on Jimmy and Jey I'd say it's down to Cesaro and Tyson Kidd and of course The Ascension.
Paige and Natalya VS The Bella Twins
Up next was divas action and you know what this was actually a really good match. The problem with the divas is that they are pretty much all extremely talented but the poor booking means we don't get to see that. I mentioned last night on twitter that if these girls got a good amount of time in the ring last night then they would be able to really give us a strong match because there was a live event match a while back witch I will try and leave the link to bellow so you can check out, where these girls just owned it and gave a great tag tea match. Thankfully, and to my surprise these girls got a great amount of time in the ring last night and hopefully this is something that's going to become a regular thing. The only problem I had about this match was the fact we hardly had any Paige in the match. The Bella's were on fire last night and had a great performance as did Natalya. What they all showed was serious strength. The divas get a lot of stick for their strength but these divas proved they can do just what the superstars can do and a little more. I also want to quickly mention how much it infuriates me that people say they want loner diva matches but when they get it they moan and say its boring. Anyway, The Bella's scored the win.
Seth Rollins VS Brock Lesnar VS John Cena
It was then time for the WWE World Heavyweight championship match as Brock Lesnar was set to defend the title against John Cena and Mr Money in the bank Seth Rollins. Now this was a title match. These guys put on one of the best triple threat matches I have ever seen and trust me I'm not a triple threat match fan at all so that's a pretty big deal. They all had a solid performance but it was Cena who fell flat simply because Seth and Brock took it to all new heights and really did change the feel of the match. For me it was Rollins who stole the show. I predicted way before the match started that Rollins was gonna be the man of the match but I never ever predicted he would have such an amazing performance. He did stuff in the ring last night I haven't seen anyone do in years and he proved he really is the future of the WWE. As for Lesnar he has an equally amazing performance. He just did stuff last night I don't think I have ever seen anyone do. We all knew Lesnar was super human but he took things to a whole new level last night and left me speechless, that's right he left ME speechless. The match had me on the edge of my seat the whole way through and was I loved the most was how unpredictable it was. You genuinely had no idea who was gonna win, how and who they would pin. This is what the fans want in a championship match and the ending was perfect with Lesnar rightfully retaining.
The Royal Rumble Match

the night in my opinion. Bray in particular stole the whole Royal Rumble match and dominated a huge chunk of it, hats off to Rusev also who had another solid performance. Disappointments for me were Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler and Kofi Kingston. I had such high expectations of them and they just failed to live up to them but it wasn't their fault at all. I was also really annoyed we had no NXT entrant. The Royal Rumble match is the perfect place to showcase the stars of the future yet we had not a single NXT entrant. I was also surprised to not see Orton make a return. You all know how I feel about Reigns winning, personally even thought I didn't want Bryan to win I think he should of. Storyline wise it would of made sense and I would of paid serious money to watch Daniel Bryan VS Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania.
My RAW Predictions will be up later on today so keep an eye out for that.
Why Seth Rollins/ Daniel Bryan feud is best for business
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