Best Matches for Fastlane Pay Per View
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World, I hope you are all well. Several month's back it was announced by WWE that they will no longer be holding the Elimination Chamber pay per view witch for the past twelve years has taken place in February as the last stop to Wrestlemania. The pay per view originally had two chamber matches witch would see both the World Heavyweight and WWE championship on the line separately. However, with the two championships now combined there is almost no need for the pay per view to take place, therefore the WWE have introduced new pay per view, Fastlane, taking place on the twenty second of February and will now be the final stop before Wrestlemania. This past Sunday, the first pay per view of the year was presented, The two thousand and fifteen Royal Rumble and with such a controversial show, Fastlane must be a success with fans around the world. Today, I will be giving you a short list of the matches I think would be best for the Fastlane pay per view. You can let me know what matches you would like to see for the first Fastlane show and the final stop before Wrestlemania by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria. Finally, I will leave the links bellow to all my recent posts including my Royal Rumble Review and Reactions posts.
Roman Reigns VS The Big Show/ Roman Reigns VS Seth Rollins
First up, Roman Reigns VS The Big Show. After winning the two thousand and fifteen Royal Rumble, we now know that Roman Reigns will headline this year's Wrestlemania as he takes on Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight championship. Since winning the Rumble both the WWE and Roman Reigns have received heavy heavy criticism, with fans around the world expressing their disappointment with the Rumble results, making it clear that Reigns is not ready for such a major Wrestlemania moment, and the shot should of gone to Daniel Bryan. Fans have been so angry that many have cancelled their network subscription, witch I have to admit is a little extreme but this should be a huge eye opener for the WWE. The company now know they need to prove the fans wrong and make everyone realise that Reigns winning the rumble was the best move to make.It really is time for Roman to step up. He needs to prove everyone wrong and use every single show, whether it be RAW, Smackdown, Main Event, a house show or pay per view show that he is improving in every single area. He needs to prove that the WWE were right to put their faith in him and make him the man to take on the biggest main event of the year. So, right now it's all about building Reigns. At the end of the day, he's facing Brock Lesnar, by far he's toughest challenge yet and if he fails to live up to the hype than the WWE will be in serious trouble. The best way to give him quick momentum and put him over is a match against The Big show. Since returning to action, Reigns has been in a spit with the Big Show, competing in tag team matches against each other and cutting promo's on one another. A match between the two at the Fastlane pay per view is almost guaranteed. Reigns already has the elimination of Kane and Show at the Royal Rumble to show for himself but he needs something much much stronger. A clean victory over the big show would show that he can take on someone twice he's size and put on a decent match with a win to go with it. There also has been little talk of Reigns going one on one with Seth Rollins witch I have to be honest I'm not confident about. I'm one hundred per cent sure that at Wrestlemania Rollins will be cashing in he's Money in the bank contract regardless of who is holding the title come the end of the night. If the WWE have Rollins go one on one with Reigns at Fastlane it could set the foundation for a future feud between the two. For example, what they could do is have Rollins and Reigns go head to head in February with the stipulation that if Rollins wins he is put in the championship match at Wrestlemania making it a triple threat match, and if they save Orton's return for the Fastlane show than they could have him ruin the match for Rollins setting up a match between the two at Wrestlemania. This would really really work, but if they didn't have Orton interrupt than I don't know if another clean loss for Rollins would be the best move for him. Either way, the Fastlane pay per view is extremely important for Roman Reigns. He must prove himself and really gain some momentum, otherwise we could be in for a really weak Wrestlemania main event the WWE could see one of their weakest Wrestlemania ratings.
Paige VS Natalya VS Nikki Bella
For some reason, the WWE did't put on a divas championship match at the Royal Rumble pay per view, however they did give us a pretty good divas match with much longer time period, so I can't complain too much. I still have no idea why they decided to go for a tag team match rather than a triple threat title match between Paige, Natalya and Nikki Bella considering that made much more sense and would of been much better booking; maybe it was to showcase/create more heat between Paige and Nattie or to give Nikki some extra momentum. For the past three weeks or so we have seen an alliance between two time divas champion Paige and Natalya come together. Over the course of their time together they have been at each others side at ringside, appeared on commentary together and have teamed up in tag team matches. They have both also scored wins over the champ Nikki Bella. However, the WWE have showed some tension between the two and have hinted Paige turning on Nattie at some point, witch to be honest I thought was going to happen this past weekend at the Royal Rumble pay per view. At Fastline we almost need to see a triple threat match between these three. I have been saying for weeks now how much I want that match and with both Paige and Natalya scoring wins over the divas champion, Nikki Bella, the two both rightfully have a shot at the title anyway. I don't know how many of you saw the Paige VS Nikki Bella match on Main event a couple of weeks back (review and reactions post will be bellow) but those two really did prove it's all about booking. Book the divas right and they can put on a great show. If the WWE give these girls at least a twelve minuet match at Fastlane that in itself will show the company do want to make changes to the divsion and how the female talent are used while at the same time giving us a good quality divas match. If the WWE decide not to have a divas championship match on pay per view until Wrestlemania than maybe the best thing to do is to either, have Nattie and Paige go one on one at
Fastline for a shot at the title or have the triple threat anyway and make the Wrestlemania divas championship match between Nikki, Paige, Natalya and AJ Lee or Nikki, Paige, Natalya and Brie Bella.
Randy Orton VS Seth Rollins
It's been a while since we last saw the viper, Randy Orton. After being written out of action to go and film a new Movie, Orton then received an injury after Christmas at live show, pushing back he's return date. Over the past thew months, the WWE universe have been questioning when he will come and what he will be doing. Many fans, including myself, predicted he would return this past Sunday at the Royal Rumble pay per view considering he was advertised on the Rumble poser and it seemed like the best logical time to bring him back. However, we were all disappointed to see him not make an appearance. I honestly think the longer they push back he's return and the longer he is kept off of TV the worse it's gonna be and the harder it's going to be to build him up for a Wrestlemania match/feud. Personally, I think he will one hundred per cent either be back for the Fastlane pay per view or will return at the Fastlane show. Either way he will most probably be thrown into a feud with Seth Rollins considering where the two left off. If Orton is back say next week, than a match between him and Rollins will defiantly happen, the WWE would be stupid to have them not go one on one, unless they go down a slightly different root of Orton begging the Authority to have him back as their right hand man so they put him at ringside for Rollins Fastlane match to help him win however, Orton turns on Rollins and costs him the match setting up their Wrestlemania match. But to be honest I would rather see them just go at it as soon as Randy is back on our screens. I think pushing back the feud between the two any longer will just do more harm than good. This would e the perfect way to build up an even bigger match at Wrestlemania considering J&J security get involved.
The Usos VS Cesaro and Tyson Kidd
For the past thew months the WWE have been building up Cesaro and Tyson Kidd as the latest tag team. You all well and truly know how I feel about the idea. I have said it a hundred times before and I will say it again, you can't just randomly throw together two amazingly talented superstars and think their going to make an epic tag team. Ryback and Curtis Axel proved that once before and I feel like we are going down the same path. I recently started hoping that the end result of this tag team would see Cesaro turn on Kidd turning him baby face and setting him a feud between those two because let's face it, they could easily give a match of the year quality match up.However, even I cannot deny that over the past thew weeks these guys have been owning the tag divsion. Week after week they have been getting stronger and stronger and the alliance with Adam Rose has somehow helped. They seem to work really well together and have given us some great tag team action, twitch makes a change. With the winning streak looking strong the two have earned the right to start being put in the tag team championship picture.If I'm honest, I really do doubt the WWE will have Cesaro and Tyson Kidd as the next Tag team champions and we are more likely to see the Ascension as the next champs, but the
simple fact that Konnor and Viktor have just come up to the main roster and are mid way through their build up/push means they are not ready for a title shot yet and it would make no sense to through them into that picture, meaning it makes more sense for Kidd and Cesaro to fill the cap and keep Jimmy and Jey busy. But just because they may be "filling a gap" or taking up some time doesn't mean they can't pull off an amazing match at the Fastlane pay per view. I say give them a shot and let us see what they can do.
Erick Rowan VS Bray Wyatt VS Luke Harper
The Royal Rumble match always test loyalty, as it's every man for himself, however this past weekend we saw some intresting stuff go down between former Wyatt family members, Luke Harper, Erick Rowan and Bray Wyatt. I literally have no idea what was going on. First it looked like Harper and Bray were going to team up, then Rowan came out of nowhere looking like he was turning heel to team up with Harper and Bray, then they made us believe Harper and Rowan were teaming up to eliminate Bray, and then Harper and Bray turnt on Rowan for Bray to the eliminate them both (even though Rowan was not a legal entrant in the first place). If anyone can tell me what the plan was this past Sunday then do let me know because my emotions were all over the place at this point. I think the best way to sort all this Wyatt drama out is to through them into a triple threat match. So far the WWE really have failed Rowan. I'm a huge huge fan of Rowan, it's got to the point I have a Rowan mask and I'm trying to name it (leave name suggestions bellow)...yeah I know weird. I still to this day have no idea why they had Rowan loose to the big Show cleanly, on two separate occasions because it was then things went downhill. However, the WWE continued to show heat between Rowan and Harper and a feud between the two became extremely wanted amongst the WWE universe.Now, I will be honest, I don't know if throwing Bray into the mix is a good idea. It pretty obvious the WWE don't have many plans for Bray right now but that's their own fault for putting him in these major feuds so early on in he's career, but I do think the three of them could pull off an amazing match if given the time and effort. The only problem is, is that they all need a strong win so choosing a winner for the match is gonna be tricky.

Dean Ambrose VS Daniel Bryan VS Kane VS Sheamus/ Dean Ambrose & Daniel Bryan VS Sheamus & Kane
There are currently a bunch of superstars in the WWE who clearly have nothing major heading into Wrestlemania season. Those men include Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, Kane, Ryback, Sheamus and Bad news Barrett. The good thing now about Wrestlemania is we have the Andre the giant battle Royal giving someone on the roster a Wrestlemania moment that we may not have seen coming. This year, I think that moment is going to Barrett. I will have more on that in Wrestlemania season but that's what I think anyway. We also have a retuning Sheamus. Sheamus has once again been out of action for several months due to another shoulder injury. Sheamus is set to return soon but what will they have him do? I have made several posts about what I think the WWE have in store of him when he returns and why I think he needs to turn heel so instead of going into all that again I will leave a link bellow to some of the posts I mentioned him in bellow. What I would love to see is an Authority role for Sheamus. It doesn't have to stay but storyline wise it would be easy to get him into a role with the Authority considering where they left off. A triple threat match between Ambrose, Sheamus, Bryan and Kane would make intresting booking and would need a solid build up but they could easily give us an amazing match up. A tag team match would be even better and I trust me I never thought I would be saying that. What it's about is getting all these guys in something strong heading into Wrestlemania. There has been rumours and hints for Ziggler turning heel and taking on Bryan at Wrestlemania witch I'm all for,but if that is the plan the WWE have then the build must start at Fastlane or even before Fastlane. As for Sheamus and Ambrose, I wouldn't mind a feud between those two at all and I actually think they could provide us with some epic matches if booked right.
So they are the matches I think are best for Fastlane, but what do you think? Leave a comment bellow letting me know or tweet me at @TezangiVictoria.
Where to find me....
Twitter - @TezangiVictoria
Facebook -
Instagram - @TezangiVictoria
Recent posts:
Royal Rumble Review and Reactions
Why Seth Rollins/ Daniel Bryan Feud needs to happen
Roman Reigns VS The Big Show/ Roman Reigns VS Seth Rollins
First up, Roman Reigns VS The Big Show. After winning the two thousand and fifteen Royal Rumble, we now know that Roman Reigns will headline this year's Wrestlemania as he takes on Brock Lesnar for the WWE World Heavyweight championship. Since winning the Rumble both the WWE and Roman Reigns have received heavy heavy criticism, with fans around the world expressing their disappointment with the Rumble results, making it clear that Reigns is not ready for such a major Wrestlemania moment, and the shot should of gone to Daniel Bryan. Fans have been so angry that many have cancelled their network subscription, witch I have to admit is a little extreme but this should be a huge eye opener for the WWE. The company now know they need to prove the fans wrong and make everyone realise that Reigns winning the rumble was the best move to make.It really is time for Roman to step up. He needs to prove everyone wrong and use every single show, whether it be RAW, Smackdown, Main Event, a house show or pay per view show that he is improving in every single area. He needs to prove that the WWE were right to put their faith in him and make him the man to take on the biggest main event of the year. So, right now it's all about building Reigns. At the end of the day, he's facing Brock Lesnar, by far he's toughest challenge yet and if he fails to live up to the hype than the WWE will be in serious trouble. The best way to give him quick momentum and put him over is a match against The Big show. Since returning to action, Reigns has been in a spit with the Big Show, competing in tag team matches against each other and cutting promo's on one another. A match between the two at the Fastlane pay per view is almost guaranteed. Reigns already has the elimination of Kane and Show at the Royal Rumble to show for himself but he needs something much much stronger. A clean victory over the big show would show that he can take on someone twice he's size and put on a decent match with a win to go with it. There also has been little talk of Reigns going one on one with Seth Rollins witch I have to be honest I'm not confident about. I'm one hundred per cent sure that at Wrestlemania Rollins will be cashing in he's Money in the bank contract regardless of who is holding the title come the end of the night. If the WWE have Rollins go one on one with Reigns at Fastlane it could set the foundation for a future feud between the two. For example, what they could do is have Rollins and Reigns go head to head in February with the stipulation that if Rollins wins he is put in the championship match at Wrestlemania making it a triple threat match, and if they save Orton's return for the Fastlane show than they could have him ruin the match for Rollins setting up a match between the two at Wrestlemania. This would really really work, but if they didn't have Orton interrupt than I don't know if another clean loss for Rollins would be the best move for him. Either way, the Fastlane pay per view is extremely important for Roman Reigns. He must prove himself and really gain some momentum, otherwise we could be in for a really weak Wrestlemania main event the WWE could see one of their weakest Wrestlemania ratings.
Paige VS Natalya VS Nikki Bella
For some reason, the WWE did't put on a divas championship match at the Royal Rumble pay per view, however they did give us a pretty good divas match with much longer time period, so I can't complain too much. I still have no idea why they decided to go for a tag team match rather than a triple threat title match between Paige, Natalya and Nikki Bella considering that made much more sense and would of been much better booking; maybe it was to showcase/create more heat between Paige and Nattie or to give Nikki some extra momentum. For the past three weeks or so we have seen an alliance between two time divas champion Paige and Natalya come together. Over the course of their time together they have been at each others side at ringside, appeared on commentary together and have teamed up in tag team matches. They have both also scored wins over the champ Nikki Bella. However, the WWE have showed some tension between the two and have hinted Paige turning on Nattie at some point, witch to be honest I thought was going to happen this past weekend at the Royal Rumble pay per view. At Fastline we almost need to see a triple threat match between these three. I have been saying for weeks now how much I want that match and with both Paige and Natalya scoring wins over the divas champion, Nikki Bella, the two both rightfully have a shot at the title anyway. I don't know how many of you saw the Paige VS Nikki Bella match on Main event a couple of weeks back (review and reactions post will be bellow) but those two really did prove it's all about booking. Book the divas right and they can put on a great show. If the WWE give these girls at least a twelve minuet match at Fastlane that in itself will show the company do want to make changes to the divsion and how the female talent are used while at the same time giving us a good quality divas match. If the WWE decide not to have a divas championship match on pay per view until Wrestlemania than maybe the best thing to do is to either, have Nattie and Paige go one on one at

Randy Orton VS Seth Rollins
It's been a while since we last saw the viper, Randy Orton. After being written out of action to go and film a new Movie, Orton then received an injury after Christmas at live show, pushing back he's return date. Over the past thew months, the WWE universe have been questioning when he will come and what he will be doing. Many fans, including myself, predicted he would return this past Sunday at the Royal Rumble pay per view considering he was advertised on the Rumble poser and it seemed like the best logical time to bring him back. However, we were all disappointed to see him not make an appearance. I honestly think the longer they push back he's return and the longer he is kept off of TV the worse it's gonna be and the harder it's going to be to build him up for a Wrestlemania match/feud. Personally, I think he will one hundred per cent either be back for the Fastlane pay per view or will return at the Fastlane show. Either way he will most probably be thrown into a feud with Seth Rollins considering where the two left off. If Orton is back say next week, than a match between him and Rollins will defiantly happen, the WWE would be stupid to have them not go one on one, unless they go down a slightly different root of Orton begging the Authority to have him back as their right hand man so they put him at ringside for Rollins Fastlane match to help him win however, Orton turns on Rollins and costs him the match setting up their Wrestlemania match. But to be honest I would rather see them just go at it as soon as Randy is back on our screens. I think pushing back the feud between the two any longer will just do more harm than good. This would e the perfect way to build up an even bigger match at Wrestlemania considering J&J security get involved.
The Usos VS Cesaro and Tyson Kidd
For the past thew months the WWE have been building up Cesaro and Tyson Kidd as the latest tag team. You all well and truly know how I feel about the idea. I have said it a hundred times before and I will say it again, you can't just randomly throw together two amazingly talented superstars and think their going to make an epic tag team. Ryback and Curtis Axel proved that once before and I feel like we are going down the same path. I recently started hoping that the end result of this tag team would see Cesaro turn on Kidd turning him baby face and setting him a feud between those two because let's face it, they could easily give a match of the year quality match up.However, even I cannot deny that over the past thew weeks these guys have been owning the tag divsion. Week after week they have been getting stronger and stronger and the alliance with Adam Rose has somehow helped. They seem to work really well together and have given us some great tag team action, twitch makes a change. With the winning streak looking strong the two have earned the right to start being put in the tag team championship picture.If I'm honest, I really do doubt the WWE will have Cesaro and Tyson Kidd as the next Tag team champions and we are more likely to see the Ascension as the next champs, but the
simple fact that Konnor and Viktor have just come up to the main roster and are mid way through their build up/push means they are not ready for a title shot yet and it would make no sense to through them into that picture, meaning it makes more sense for Kidd and Cesaro to fill the cap and keep Jimmy and Jey busy. But just because they may be "filling a gap" or taking up some time doesn't mean they can't pull off an amazing match at the Fastlane pay per view. I say give them a shot and let us see what they can do.
Erick Rowan VS Bray Wyatt VS Luke Harper
The Royal Rumble match always test loyalty, as it's every man for himself, however this past weekend we saw some intresting stuff go down between former Wyatt family members, Luke Harper, Erick Rowan and Bray Wyatt. I literally have no idea what was going on. First it looked like Harper and Bray were going to team up, then Rowan came out of nowhere looking like he was turning heel to team up with Harper and Bray, then they made us believe Harper and Rowan were teaming up to eliminate Bray, and then Harper and Bray turnt on Rowan for Bray to the eliminate them both (even though Rowan was not a legal entrant in the first place). If anyone can tell me what the plan was this past Sunday then do let me know because my emotions were all over the place at this point. I think the best way to sort all this Wyatt drama out is to through them into a triple threat match. So far the WWE really have failed Rowan. I'm a huge huge fan of Rowan, it's got to the point I have a Rowan mask and I'm trying to name it (leave name suggestions bellow)...yeah I know weird. I still to this day have no idea why they had Rowan loose to the big Show cleanly, on two separate occasions because it was then things went downhill. However, the WWE continued to show heat between Rowan and Harper and a feud between the two became extremely wanted amongst the WWE universe.Now, I will be honest, I don't know if throwing Bray into the mix is a good idea. It pretty obvious the WWE don't have many plans for Bray right now but that's their own fault for putting him in these major feuds so early on in he's career, but I do think the three of them could pull off an amazing match if given the time and effort. The only problem is, is that they all need a strong win so choosing a winner for the match is gonna be tricky.

Dean Ambrose VS Daniel Bryan VS Kane VS Sheamus/ Dean Ambrose & Daniel Bryan VS Sheamus & Kane
There are currently a bunch of superstars in the WWE who clearly have nothing major heading into Wrestlemania season. Those men include Dean Ambrose, Dolph Ziggler, Daniel Bryan, Kane, Ryback, Sheamus and Bad news Barrett. The good thing now about Wrestlemania is we have the Andre the giant battle Royal giving someone on the roster a Wrestlemania moment that we may not have seen coming. This year, I think that moment is going to Barrett. I will have more on that in Wrestlemania season but that's what I think anyway. We also have a retuning Sheamus. Sheamus has once again been out of action for several months due to another shoulder injury. Sheamus is set to return soon but what will they have him do? I have made several posts about what I think the WWE have in store of him when he returns and why I think he needs to turn heel so instead of going into all that again I will leave a link bellow to some of the posts I mentioned him in bellow. What I would love to see is an Authority role for Sheamus. It doesn't have to stay but storyline wise it would be easy to get him into a role with the Authority considering where they left off. A triple threat match between Ambrose, Sheamus, Bryan and Kane would make intresting booking and would need a solid build up but they could easily give us an amazing match up. A tag team match would be even better and I trust me I never thought I would be saying that. What it's about is getting all these guys in something strong heading into Wrestlemania. There has been rumours and hints for Ziggler turning heel and taking on Bryan at Wrestlemania witch I'm all for,but if that is the plan the WWE have then the build must start at Fastlane or even before Fastlane. As for Sheamus and Ambrose, I wouldn't mind a feud between those two at all and I actually think they could provide us with some epic matches if booked right.
So they are the matches I think are best for Fastlane, but what do you think? Leave a comment bellow letting me know or tweet me at @TezangiVictoria.
Where to find me....
Twitter - @TezangiVictoria
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Instagram - @TezangiVictoria
Recent posts:
Royal Rumble Review and Reactions
Why Seth Rollins/ Daniel Bryan Feud needs to happen
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