Top 20 Women's Matches of the past Five years PT2
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World. I hope you are all having a great start to two thousand and fifteen! As you all know by now a new change coming to my blog this year is series month, witch basically means every two months I will be dedicating that month to a particular subject/ topic. To kick start the new year I'm dedicating January to the women of professional wrestling aka Women's month. If you haven any suggestions as to what you topic months you want to see this year please leave the down in the comment's bellow. For today's blog post I'm going to be rapping up my top twenty women's matches of the past five years. You would of seen last week that I uploaded part one of this post with numbers twenty to eleven, Today we will finish the two part post from numbers ten to one. In case you didn't read last weeks top ten, this post only includes WWE Diva matches and TNA Knockout matches. However if you would like to see an Indy's version please do let me know. I will leave the link's bellow to any recent posts including part one to this post. Finally, you can let me know what YOUR top Divas and Knockouts matches of the past five years are by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria or by leaving a comment bellow in the comments section.
10) Awesome Kong & Hamada VS Sarita & Taylor Wild
Kicking off my top ten women's matches of the past five years is the tag team match up between Awesome Kong and Hamada and Sarita and Taylor Wild for the TNA Knockouts championships. I remember the first time I watched this match, I'd taken a break from watching TNA for a while and this was one of the first knockout matches I had watched since I had started watching it again and it was enough to put me back into TNA. I've always been a fan of both Hamada and Awesome Kong. They were just two knockout's that I personally looked up to and used to be amazed by. Their styles were so different from all the other women both from TNA and the WWE. Especially Hamada, I just loved watching her for some reason and her wrestling ability and the stuff she did in the ring was just amazing to me and I think to everyone else. I have to admit I was never fan of Sarita and Taylor Wild. They just never stood out for me, don't get me wrong I loved watching them wrestle because they were strong wrestlers I was just never a fan of them. This match was one of the matches that have really stood out for me in the past five years. What was so surprising was how much they all just complimented each other in the ring and with four completely different styles it was such a rare thing but they just took it to another level and proved what women's professional wrestling was all about.
9) Kaitlyn VS Eve Torres ( Jan 14, 2013)
Up next we have the divas championship match between Kaitlyn and Eve Torres. I will admit that I have never ever ever been a fan of Eve. She's a great wrestler don't get me wrong, but just like Sarita and Taylor Wild I was never a fan of her. I didn't like her character or the way she was being used I just wasn't a fan. However, Eve had some amazing matches while she was in the WWE with numerous divas on several pay per views and episodes of RAW and Smackdown. One of her all time best matches was up against Kaitlyn on the fourteenth of January two thousand and thirteen, were she defended her divas championship. I will always label this as Kaitlyn's best matches of her career and the true moment I became a strong fan of hers. This was just a back and fourth match were the ending was so unpredictable, you just felt the urge to keep watching. I remember being pretty shocked that the WWE let these two showcase so much and take it as far as they did. They both stood out throughout the whole match and this was honestly a big turning point for Kaitlyn and her career.
8) Paige VS Natalya (NXT)
Coming in at number eight is one of my all time favourite diva match ups. It of course is the title match for the NXT Women's championship against Paige and Natalya. Now, if you are not an NXT viewer and you have never seen this match then you seriously need to make sure you go and check it out as soon as you have finished reading this post because it was just amazing. What I loved the most about this match was how technical it was.This was a perfect example of what actual wrestling is. There was no pathetic typical diva stuff going on or stupid moves used to try and impress the crowd and the fans, this was two amazingly talented female wrestlers simply wrestling and putting on an outstanding match. Both divas have had some amazing matches in the WWE but this has to be one of their best of all time. It was a strong tuning point for Paige, proving once again why she is a women to watch in the future and as for Natalya this was yet another match were she proved she is one of the best female wrestlers around and why just how underused she is by the WWE on the main roster. It was yet another back and fourth match with the momentum and crowd split between the two. The technicality in this match is what really made it amazing and the strength and speed was great also. These two compliment each other so much in the ring and I really hope they get to showcase what they can really do in the ring on the main roster.
7) Emma VS Paige (NXT Arrival)
At number seven in my top ten women's matches of the past five years is one of the most talked about divas matches of the past year. Of course I'm talking about the NXT Arrival match up for the NXT Women's championship against Paige and Emma. Now, these two have had a handful of amazing matches against each other since arriving in the WWE and this was surely one of them. I mentioned in part one of this blog post that one of the first NXT women's matches and one of the first matches of Emma's I actually saw was back when here and Paige were competing to become the first NXT Women's champion and I was completely amazed and I never thought they would be able to top that match. However, last year at the first live NXT show (NXT Arrival) they did just that and topped their first match for the title.They just took it to another level and rose the bar extremely high for both the NXT divas and the WWE main roster divas. It was amazing move after amazing move and with and awesome split crowd it made the match just that much better. They both did stuff in the ring that most people would think and say women can't do and with Paige's outstanding win they both proved they were two of the best female wrestles in the company and in the business all together.
6) Gail Kim VS Mickie James
Up Next is Gail Kim VS Mickie James. The match I'm referring to is their one on one match up on the twenty fifth of seventh two thousand and thirteen. Now, I think it's more than safe to say that these two women are two of the best female wrestlers of all time. They have had some outstanding match ups both against each other and other competitors both in the WWE and in TNA. They have inspired and continue to inspire young girls all around the world have earned the right to be named two of the best female wrestlers of all time. This match was easily one of my all time favourite of theirs.I don't know why but ever since I first watched this match I just haven't been able to stop telling people to watch it. This was just another on of their matches that proved why they are so great.It was basic wrestling that simply looked outstanding. They told a story extremely well and delivered yet another amazing performance.
5) Mickie James VS Tara (Steel Cage Match)
At number five in my top ten women's matches of the past five years is the steel cage, one on one match up between two of the all time greats, Mickie James and Tara. I remember being so excited for this match. These are to of my all time fave female wrestlers. Since I was a kid I've always looked up to them and inspired their unique styles from their in ring style to their character. Over the years they have had some amazing match ups against each other and this was for sure one to add to the list if not their best match ever up against each other and in their careers. I was just amazed by what I was seeing when these two had this match. They went beyond what I was expecting and took it all to a complete new level. They proved that women can do just what men can do in the ring and with this stipulation.Everything about it was perfect. From start to finish these girls just owned it in the ring and the fact they main evented and had an outstanding reaction from the crowd throughout the whole match just made it even better and I know for sure I will be talking about this for years to come.
4) Charlotte VS Sasha Banks (NXT Takeover R Evolution)
Up next at number four is the most recent match to be added to the list. Of course I'm talking about Sasha Banks VS Charlotte for the NXT Women's championship at the last live NXT show of the year, NXT Takeover R Evolution. I know I have written about this match several times so I will try and keep this one as short as I can and I will leave the links bellow to where you can read some of the other posts I spoke more about this match. I have said many times before that I'm a huge fan of Sasha Banks and I have been for a while. Her work before the WWE is just amazing and if you haven't seen any of her matches before the WWE then make sure you go and do so straight after you finish reading this post. As for Charlotte it took me a while to become a fan of hers I will admit that. The fist time I was like "Yep I'm 100% a Charlotte fan" was back at NXT Takeover when she went one on one with Natalya and ever since she has been a top favourite of mine. This match up just topped off a great year for the NXT Divas division. Both divas took it to a new level and surprised the entire NXT universe. They both stood out but Banks stole the show in my opinion and she gained a lot of respect after this match and it was a true turning point in her career. This match proved that these two are the future of the WWE divas division and are two of the best and promising female wrestlers around at the moment.
3) Taryn Terrell VS Gail Kim (Ladder Match)
At number three in my top ten women's matches of the past five years is one of the best female wrestling matches I have ever seen; the one on one ladder match between Taryn Terrell and Gail Kim. Now, if you are reading this and you have never seen this match then you MUST go and check it out right now because this match was just simply outstanding. This was not just one of the best matches of the past five years but one of the greatest Knockouts matches of all time and one of the all round best female professional wrestling matches of all time. The two had previously had a truly epic match and so the standard and bar was set so high for their second match up but they did not disappoint what so ever! Both girls just completely stole the show and showed the world what real women's wrestling looks like. The match was just so extreme and so technical it was made impossible not to love. It got an insane reaction from the live crowd and everyone online and once again Taryn Terrell proved she was the true underdog despite not scoring the win and Gail Kim proved again why she is one of the all time greats.
2) Charlotte VS Natalya (NXT Takeover)
Coming in at number two and just missing out on the number one spot is the NXT Takeover match up between Charlotte and Natalya. Once again I have spoke about this match on my blog on several occasions so I will try my best to keep it short and leave some links bellow to where I spoke about it a little more about the match. I'm sure all of you reading this have seen this match up and you will all agree with me that this was just one truly epic divas match up and easily one of the best female pro wrestling matches of all time. There is not a doubt in my mind that this one of the best divas matches
of all time if not in the history of the WWE. The addition of Ric Flair and Bret Heart at ringside really did make this match even better and they amazing crowd was a great addition. This was easily one of the best technical female wrestling matches I have ever seen. What these two showed is that women can do exactly what men can in the ring and more. They showcased everything. They went up top, they took it outside of the ring, there was speed, strength and amazing submission moves. I think the whole WWE universe will agree when I say these two need to step in the ring much much more when Charlotte is up on the main roster.

1) Taryn Terrell VS Gail Kim (Last Knockout Standing)
And finally, taking the number one spot in my top ten women's matches of the past five years is the last knockout standing match between all time great Gail Kim and the dark horse Taryn Terrell. I will admit that before this match I was not really a fan of Taryn and so I wasn't expecting much from her going into this match. However, I think we can all agree that she shocked us all and completely left us speechless.It was no secret that Taryn was the dark horse going into this match and she was going to have to do a lot to win over the fans and pick up the win, but she walked this match like a true pro and proved to be one of the most improved women in the business and one of the best wrestlers and all round performers in her division.These girls took this match to a whole new level and surprised everyone! They stole the show and showed the world what a true women's professional women's match looks like.I never ever thought I would see what I saw in this match delivered by these two women or any women. Make sure you go and watch it if you haven't already done so.
10) Awesome Kong & Hamada VS Sarita & Taylor Wild
Kicking off my top ten women's matches of the past five years is the tag team match up between Awesome Kong and Hamada and Sarita and Taylor Wild for the TNA Knockouts championships. I remember the first time I watched this match, I'd taken a break from watching TNA for a while and this was one of the first knockout matches I had watched since I had started watching it again and it was enough to put me back into TNA. I've always been a fan of both Hamada and Awesome Kong. They were just two knockout's that I personally looked up to and used to be amazed by. Their styles were so different from all the other women both from TNA and the WWE. Especially Hamada, I just loved watching her for some reason and her wrestling ability and the stuff she did in the ring was just amazing to me and I think to everyone else. I have to admit I was never fan of Sarita and Taylor Wild. They just never stood out for me, don't get me wrong I loved watching them wrestle because they were strong wrestlers I was just never a fan of them. This match was one of the matches that have really stood out for me in the past five years. What was so surprising was how much they all just complimented each other in the ring and with four completely different styles it was such a rare thing but they just took it to another level and proved what women's professional wrestling was all about.
9) Kaitlyn VS Eve Torres ( Jan 14, 2013)
Up next we have the divas championship match between Kaitlyn and Eve Torres. I will admit that I have never ever ever been a fan of Eve. She's a great wrestler don't get me wrong, but just like Sarita and Taylor Wild I was never a fan of her. I didn't like her character or the way she was being used I just wasn't a fan. However, Eve had some amazing matches while she was in the WWE with numerous divas on several pay per views and episodes of RAW and Smackdown. One of her all time best matches was up against Kaitlyn on the fourteenth of January two thousand and thirteen, were she defended her divas championship. I will always label this as Kaitlyn's best matches of her career and the true moment I became a strong fan of hers. This was just a back and fourth match were the ending was so unpredictable, you just felt the urge to keep watching. I remember being pretty shocked that the WWE let these two showcase so much and take it as far as they did. They both stood out throughout the whole match and this was honestly a big turning point for Kaitlyn and her career.
8) Paige VS Natalya (NXT)
Coming in at number eight is one of my all time favourite diva match ups. It of course is the title match for the NXT Women's championship against Paige and Natalya. Now, if you are not an NXT viewer and you have never seen this match then you seriously need to make sure you go and check it out as soon as you have finished reading this post because it was just amazing. What I loved the most about this match was how technical it was.This was a perfect example of what actual wrestling is. There was no pathetic typical diva stuff going on or stupid moves used to try and impress the crowd and the fans, this was two amazingly talented female wrestlers simply wrestling and putting on an outstanding match. Both divas have had some amazing matches in the WWE but this has to be one of their best of all time. It was a strong tuning point for Paige, proving once again why she is a women to watch in the future and as for Natalya this was yet another match were she proved she is one of the best female wrestlers around and why just how underused she is by the WWE on the main roster. It was yet another back and fourth match with the momentum and crowd split between the two. The technicality in this match is what really made it amazing and the strength and speed was great also. These two compliment each other so much in the ring and I really hope they get to showcase what they can really do in the ring on the main roster.
7) Emma VS Paige (NXT Arrival)

6) Gail Kim VS Mickie James
Up Next is Gail Kim VS Mickie James. The match I'm referring to is their one on one match up on the twenty fifth of seventh two thousand and thirteen. Now, I think it's more than safe to say that these two women are two of the best female wrestlers of all time. They have had some outstanding match ups both against each other and other competitors both in the WWE and in TNA. They have inspired and continue to inspire young girls all around the world have earned the right to be named two of the best female wrestlers of all time. This match was easily one of my all time favourite of theirs.I don't know why but ever since I first watched this match I just haven't been able to stop telling people to watch it. This was just another on of their matches that proved why they are so great.It was basic wrestling that simply looked outstanding. They told a story extremely well and delivered yet another amazing performance.
5) Mickie James VS Tara (Steel Cage Match)
At number five in my top ten women's matches of the past five years is the steel cage, one on one match up between two of the all time greats, Mickie James and Tara. I remember being so excited for this match. These are to of my all time fave female wrestlers. Since I was a kid I've always looked up to them and inspired their unique styles from their in ring style to their character. Over the years they have had some amazing match ups against each other and this was for sure one to add to the list if not their best match ever up against each other and in their careers. I was just amazed by what I was seeing when these two had this match. They went beyond what I was expecting and took it all to a complete new level. They proved that women can do just what men can do in the ring and with this stipulation.Everything about it was perfect. From start to finish these girls just owned it in the ring and the fact they main evented and had an outstanding reaction from the crowd throughout the whole match just made it even better and I know for sure I will be talking about this for years to come.
4) Charlotte VS Sasha Banks (NXT Takeover R Evolution)
Up next at number four is the most recent match to be added to the list. Of course I'm talking about Sasha Banks VS Charlotte for the NXT Women's championship at the last live NXT show of the year, NXT Takeover R Evolution. I know I have written about this match several times so I will try and keep this one as short as I can and I will leave the links bellow to where you can read some of the other posts I spoke more about this match. I have said many times before that I'm a huge fan of Sasha Banks and I have been for a while. Her work before the WWE is just amazing and if you haven't seen any of her matches before the WWE then make sure you go and do so straight after you finish reading this post. As for Charlotte it took me a while to become a fan of hers I will admit that. The fist time I was like "Yep I'm 100% a Charlotte fan" was back at NXT Takeover when she went one on one with Natalya and ever since she has been a top favourite of mine. This match up just topped off a great year for the NXT Divas division. Both divas took it to a new level and surprised the entire NXT universe. They both stood out but Banks stole the show in my opinion and she gained a lot of respect after this match and it was a true turning point in her career. This match proved that these two are the future of the WWE divas division and are two of the best and promising female wrestlers around at the moment.
3) Taryn Terrell VS Gail Kim (Ladder Match)
At number three in my top ten women's matches of the past five years is one of the best female wrestling matches I have ever seen; the one on one ladder match between Taryn Terrell and Gail Kim. Now, if you are reading this and you have never seen this match then you MUST go and check it out right now because this match was just simply outstanding. This was not just one of the best matches of the past five years but one of the greatest Knockouts matches of all time and one of the all round best female professional wrestling matches of all time. The two had previously had a truly epic match and so the standard and bar was set so high for their second match up but they did not disappoint what so ever! Both girls just completely stole the show and showed the world what real women's wrestling looks like. The match was just so extreme and so technical it was made impossible not to love. It got an insane reaction from the live crowd and everyone online and once again Taryn Terrell proved she was the true underdog despite not scoring the win and Gail Kim proved again why she is one of the all time greats.
2) Charlotte VS Natalya (NXT Takeover)
Coming in at number two and just missing out on the number one spot is the NXT Takeover match up between Charlotte and Natalya. Once again I have spoke about this match on my blog on several occasions so I will try my best to keep it short and leave some links bellow to where I spoke about it a little more about the match. I'm sure all of you reading this have seen this match up and you will all agree with me that this was just one truly epic divas match up and easily one of the best female pro wrestling matches of all time. There is not a doubt in my mind that this one of the best divas matches
of all time if not in the history of the WWE. The addition of Ric Flair and Bret Heart at ringside really did make this match even better and they amazing crowd was a great addition. This was easily one of the best technical female wrestling matches I have ever seen. What these two showed is that women can do exactly what men can in the ring and more. They showcased everything. They went up top, they took it outside of the ring, there was speed, strength and amazing submission moves. I think the whole WWE universe will agree when I say these two need to step in the ring much much more when Charlotte is up on the main roster.

1) Taryn Terrell VS Gail Kim (Last Knockout Standing)
And finally, taking the number one spot in my top ten women's matches of the past five years is the last knockout standing match between all time great Gail Kim and the dark horse Taryn Terrell. I will admit that before this match I was not really a fan of Taryn and so I wasn't expecting much from her going into this match. However, I think we can all agree that she shocked us all and completely left us speechless.It was no secret that Taryn was the dark horse going into this match and she was going to have to do a lot to win over the fans and pick up the win, but she walked this match like a true pro and proved to be one of the most improved women in the business and one of the best wrestlers and all round performers in her division.These girls took this match to a whole new level and surprised everyone! They stole the show and showed the world what a true women's professional women's match looks like.I never ever thought I would see what I saw in this match delivered by these two women or any women. Make sure you go and watch it if you haven't already done so.
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