A Change needs to happen.

Hello everyone, I hope you are all well and I wish you all a Happy New Year. Today I have a completely different post and I hope you stick around to read it all because it's pretty serious post. I'm sure most of you recently heard the tragic news of seventeen year old Leelah Alcorn. If you haven't then I will leave  a link bellow to the full story; but as a quick overview Leelah was a transgender teenager who committed suicide on Sunday. There has been a lot of controversy surrounding her suicide and her parents as she blamed them in her suicide note for her death. The story is absolutely tragic and brought me to genuine tears. Over the past twenty four hours the world has been showing their support for the LGBT community and Leelah, tweeting and posting lovely messages about her and about the LGBT community. After hearing the news about Leelah I wanted to look more into these type of tragic stories and I learnt that this is not unpopular. This happens on a daily basis all around the world. Being apart of the LGBT community  myself  (being Bisexual)I understand the struggle of dealing with society and even family members who cannot accept who I am. Unfortunately not Everton is like me and can learn to live with it. After hearing the news about Leelah it left me with the urge to want to do something, anything, weather it be raise awareness or money for a support group or anything. I know there are plenty of people out there who wish to do the same thing I want us to all to get up off our back sides and do something. No one should feel so alone in the world that they feel they need to end their life. No one should feel that they simply cannot be themselves because of society and religion. So, I would love to hear your ideas and if you would be interested in joining me in doing something to change how people view the LGBT community.

Thank you for reading.



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