Heel/Face Turns That Need to Happen In 2015
Hello everyone and Welcome back to Talk Wrestling World! So, we are fresh into the new year and after a crazy two thousand and fourteen in the WWE we are certainly set for an even bigger more insane ride through twenty fifteen. You would of seen that throughout December I was uploading my "Of The Year Post" and I will make sure to leave all the link's to those posts bellow so you can go and give them a read over if you haven't already read them. Today I'm taking a look at the year ahead, discussing potential heel and face turn's that are vital in two thousand and fifteen. I mentioned that I wanna spend more time talking about other promotion so I hope to try and shake thing's up by talking about both WWE and TNA today. Feel free to let me know if you like the idea of me talking more about other promotions so I know what directions to go in in the new year! Anyway, so today's post is all about character changing in way, analysing who I think should have their heel or face turn and most importantly, why. As always you can let me know what you think about today's topic by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
First up is Cesaro. Over the past year or so I have been going on and on and on about how Cesaro is in serious need of a baby face turn and trust me I'm not alone in this. For what seem's like forever, the WWE universe has been raising the matter of Cesaro needing a change up. He had a very interesting two thousand and fourteen to say the very least. He kicked off the year on a serious high, tuning things completely around for himself after a huge match against John Cena on Monday night RAW. Going on to then defeat Randy Orton on Smackdown, having amazing performances at both the Elimination chamber and the money in the bank pay peer view and making history at Wrestlemania, Cesaro was looking to have a great year. However, it became apparent the WWE were stuck on ideas for him creatively and things took a not so good turn as he's work with Heyman went down hill and from that point onwards the company struggled to place him in something solid and entertaining, putting the Swiss Superman at the mid section of the roster once again.Throughout a strong part of the year I spent a lot of time moaning about this and writing up several blog posts discussing how much I think the WWE have got this wrong. Personally I think there was so much they could of done with Cesaro in 2014 it was all about getting him in the right storyline's. There was a great deal of time when there was a lot of top superstars out of action due to injuries however the WWE still failed to have him in a strong storyline. Instead they had him work two weak feuds with Sheamus and have him job several times to a number of superstars. It's clear Cesaro makes a great heel but I honestly think he would make an even better baby face. Once again there is so much they could of done this past year with him as a baby face. For example, the fact Cesaro was a Paul Heyman guy opened so many doors for him, a baby face turn while Lesnar is champ would of been the perfect time to push him. They could of easily gone down the line of Cesaro proving he was the better Heyman guy and have him feud with Lesnar for the title. Yes, it would of been a bold and big move to make but Cesaro is a truly amazing athlete that could easily fit into the main event spot. Now, it's no secret he's not the youngest of superstars currently on the roster and with younger, seriously talented guy's coming up too the main roster the company are running out of time. This is a make or break year for Cesaro and a baby face turn is what he needs the most. I know they currently have him working with Tyson Kidd at the moment witch by the way I hate and I think they both deserve better & should not be in a tag team, but there is a lot they could do with Cesaro as a baby face and they could really make this the year of Cesaro and create a serious main event star out of him.

Up next is AJ Lee. I know there are still plenty of rumours around that AJ is planning on leaving the WWE but these type of rumours have been going around pretty much throughout the whole of two thousand and fourteen.At the start of the year AJ was working as the biggest heel diva in the WWE however upon returning after being out of action for a couple months, AJ had her baby face turn and
as a result became a three time divas champion in the space of a thew months. Now, no matter what I'm a huge fan of AJ Lee, I have been since her FCW and NXT work, however it's become evident over the years that she has been working for the WE that she makes a much better heel. It was when she was working as a heel that we saw some of her best performances both on the mic and in the ring and it was a time that the opinions of the WWE and it's divas division changed big time! Don't get me wrong she does a good job as a baby face but AJ Lee is a born heel. With many young, upcoming divas making their way up to the main roster in two thousand and fifteen AJ Lee, who is considered to be the face of the divas division is going to play a huge role and working as a heel will bring out the best in both Lee and her storyline opponent.
We then have Samuel Shaw. I have to admit I really am a huge fan of Samuel Shaw. I know he hasn't been on the scene long and we haven't seen that much from him but I can really see a lot of potential in him and I know that given the right storyline's he could really surprise us and really stand out. Since arriving in TNA Shaw has played the perfect psycho heel and I really want them to keep to that same gimmick however turn him baby face in the process. I honestly think that with time he could be really over with the crowd and although they might night have him as a top star I do think there is a big space of him and seeing a different side to him would be great for the new year.
Bobby Lashley is up next. I think I've mentioned a thew time's both on my blog and twitter through live tweeting that I have been a strong fan of Lashley for quite some time. I really enjoyed he's work down in WWE and he was a strong favourite of mine throughout he's time there. I still to this day think he should stayed in the company, I've never really felt that TNA is for him but he has a seriously strong year! I also know how fans are really split on Lashley, some love him some hate him some don't really have an opinion on him but I'm a fan. He clearly has an amazing body and outstanding ring ability. He's worked as a strong heel throughout the year and there has been hints of a baby face turn but it has not yet happened. Hopefully this year we will see that baby face turn because I honestly think this would be the best move for Lashley. There are several storyline's they could have him work as a baby face and I think it's more than time to drop the heel character.
The next person I want to talk about in today's blog post is Dolph Ziggler. I know you probably all are a little confused as to how I feel about Ziggler. Throughout the year I have been up and down about Dolph, talking about him both here and on twitter, so let me clean this all up and make everything clear. I do like Ziggler, I'm a fan of he's and I do really think he has been seriously underused by the WWE, however I'm not a dedicated, strong fan of he's. Hopefully that makes more sense and you understand what I mean now. Anyway, Ziggler has been working as a baby for a little while now and I do think it's time for him to go back to working as a heel. Now, just like AJ, Ziggler works both as a heel and a baby face really really well however he was a born heel. No matter what Ziggler works as he will be a hit with the fans and he will have a crazy amount of support. However I do think he is need of a change and turning him heel could open up some big doors for him. However, with the current storyline's he's in it could be a while until we see a change.
We then have the New Day. I know I know, there are plenty of you who are not jumping on the New Day bandwagon but I have been pretty vocal about how much I personally love the idea. Now let's not get what I'm about to say all confusing; I like the idea heck I love the idea of the New Day. These are three men that needed something new and strong, especially Kofi; but I really don't like how they have gone about this. The WWE needed a new strong faction and the potential this idea had was insane and so many member's of the WWE universe were all up for it. But the WWE Just got it wrong completely. They could of gone really big with these guy's all nation of domination part two but instead they have them as an all singing all dancing joke group.What the WWE need to do in 2015 is strip it all back. Make these guys a serious faction, storyline wise they do have a little handful of things they could do so it's just about going about it in the right way.
Finally, Sheamus. I do I really have to say any more. I spent all of two thousand and fourteen saying how much Sheamus needed a heel turn and they never gave it to him! The WWE had so many huge opportunities to turn him heel and give him a seriously huge push. This is WWE's last year to really give Sheamus what he deserves. He's been working as a baby face since 2011 and it's time for a change. I will leave the link's bellow to a couple of posts were I spoke about this in more detail.
But what do you think? Let me know who you think is in need of heel or face turn in 2015 and why by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
First up is Cesaro. Over the past year or so I have been going on and on and on about how Cesaro is in serious need of a baby face turn and trust me I'm not alone in this. For what seem's like forever, the WWE universe has been raising the matter of Cesaro needing a change up. He had a very interesting two thousand and fourteen to say the very least. He kicked off the year on a serious high, tuning things completely around for himself after a huge match against John Cena on Monday night RAW. Going on to then defeat Randy Orton on Smackdown, having amazing performances at both the Elimination chamber and the money in the bank pay peer view and making history at Wrestlemania, Cesaro was looking to have a great year. However, it became apparent the WWE were stuck on ideas for him creatively and things took a not so good turn as he's work with Heyman went down hill and from that point onwards the company struggled to place him in something solid and entertaining, putting the Swiss Superman at the mid section of the roster once again.Throughout a strong part of the year I spent a lot of time moaning about this and writing up several blog posts discussing how much I think the WWE have got this wrong. Personally I think there was so much they could of done with Cesaro in 2014 it was all about getting him in the right storyline's. There was a great deal of time when there was a lot of top superstars out of action due to injuries however the WWE still failed to have him in a strong storyline. Instead they had him work two weak feuds with Sheamus and have him job several times to a number of superstars. It's clear Cesaro makes a great heel but I honestly think he would make an even better baby face. Once again there is so much they could of done this past year with him as a baby face. For example, the fact Cesaro was a Paul Heyman guy opened so many doors for him, a baby face turn while Lesnar is champ would of been the perfect time to push him. They could of easily gone down the line of Cesaro proving he was the better Heyman guy and have him feud with Lesnar for the title. Yes, it would of been a bold and big move to make but Cesaro is a truly amazing athlete that could easily fit into the main event spot. Now, it's no secret he's not the youngest of superstars currently on the roster and with younger, seriously talented guy's coming up too the main roster the company are running out of time. This is a make or break year for Cesaro and a baby face turn is what he needs the most. I know they currently have him working with Tyson Kidd at the moment witch by the way I hate and I think they both deserve better & should not be in a tag team, but there is a lot they could do with Cesaro as a baby face and they could really make this the year of Cesaro and create a serious main event star out of him.

Up next is AJ Lee. I know there are still plenty of rumours around that AJ is planning on leaving the WWE but these type of rumours have been going around pretty much throughout the whole of two thousand and fourteen.At the start of the year AJ was working as the biggest heel diva in the WWE however upon returning after being out of action for a couple months, AJ had her baby face turn and
as a result became a three time divas champion in the space of a thew months. Now, no matter what I'm a huge fan of AJ Lee, I have been since her FCW and NXT work, however it's become evident over the years that she has been working for the WE that she makes a much better heel. It was when she was working as a heel that we saw some of her best performances both on the mic and in the ring and it was a time that the opinions of the WWE and it's divas division changed big time! Don't get me wrong she does a good job as a baby face but AJ Lee is a born heel. With many young, upcoming divas making their way up to the main roster in two thousand and fifteen AJ Lee, who is considered to be the face of the divas division is going to play a huge role and working as a heel will bring out the best in both Lee and her storyline opponent.
We then have Samuel Shaw. I have to admit I really am a huge fan of Samuel Shaw. I know he hasn't been on the scene long and we haven't seen that much from him but I can really see a lot of potential in him and I know that given the right storyline's he could really surprise us and really stand out. Since arriving in TNA Shaw has played the perfect psycho heel and I really want them to keep to that same gimmick however turn him baby face in the process. I honestly think that with time he could be really over with the crowd and although they might night have him as a top star I do think there is a big space of him and seeing a different side to him would be great for the new year.
Bobby Lashley is up next. I think I've mentioned a thew time's both on my blog and twitter through live tweeting that I have been a strong fan of Lashley for quite some time. I really enjoyed he's work down in WWE and he was a strong favourite of mine throughout he's time there. I still to this day think he should stayed in the company, I've never really felt that TNA is for him but he has a seriously strong year! I also know how fans are really split on Lashley, some love him some hate him some don't really have an opinion on him but I'm a fan. He clearly has an amazing body and outstanding ring ability. He's worked as a strong heel throughout the year and there has been hints of a baby face turn but it has not yet happened. Hopefully this year we will see that baby face turn because I honestly think this would be the best move for Lashley. There are several storyline's they could have him work as a baby face and I think it's more than time to drop the heel character.
The next person I want to talk about in today's blog post is Dolph Ziggler. I know you probably all are a little confused as to how I feel about Ziggler. Throughout the year I have been up and down about Dolph, talking about him both here and on twitter, so let me clean this all up and make everything clear. I do like Ziggler, I'm a fan of he's and I do really think he has been seriously underused by the WWE, however I'm not a dedicated, strong fan of he's. Hopefully that makes more sense and you understand what I mean now. Anyway, Ziggler has been working as a baby for a little while now and I do think it's time for him to go back to working as a heel. Now, just like AJ, Ziggler works both as a heel and a baby face really really well however he was a born heel. No matter what Ziggler works as he will be a hit with the fans and he will have a crazy amount of support. However I do think he is need of a change and turning him heel could open up some big doors for him. However, with the current storyline's he's in it could be a while until we see a change.

Finally, Sheamus. I do I really have to say any more. I spent all of two thousand and fourteen saying how much Sheamus needed a heel turn and they never gave it to him! The WWE had so many huge opportunities to turn him heel and give him a seriously huge push. This is WWE's last year to really give Sheamus what he deserves. He's been working as a baby face since 2011 and it's time for a change. I will leave the link's bellow to a couple of posts were I spoke about this in more detail.
But what do you think? Let me know who you think is in need of heel or face turn in 2015 and why by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
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