TLC Review and Reactions
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World. Last night the WWE presented the final Pay Per View of the year, TLC, and I have to admitted I was not a fan of the show at all. I think I moaned pretty much throughout the whole three hours. The booking made no sense what so ever. Because of the booking there was practically no story development what so ever and how they are going to create a strong Monday night RAW tonight, I have no idea. I'm going to try my very best not to spend the whole post moaning because there was some great spots. I think the problem was was that it was only a couple of days ago NXT had their fourth live show and we know how epic that was, there was no way the main roster guys were going to live up to that and I think they all tried to hard but the poor booking just got in the way. Anyway this week I will be posting my official of the year posts so keep an eye out for that. I will leave the links bellow to any recent posts so you can keep all up to date and as usual you can let me know what YOU thought of last nights show by leaving a comment bellow in the comments section or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
The first match to kick off the show was the ladders match for the Intercontinental championship between the champ Luke Harper and Dolph Ziggler. Now, the problem I had with this match was the same problem I had with many in fact most of the matches last night; it was a great all round match, strong and gripping but the ending made no sense. This was easily one of the best ladder matches we have seen from the WWE in a while. These two brought it last night and set the bar extremely high for the other matches to follow. Harper for me was the stand out. He seemed to fit in so well with the environment. The extreme, unpredictability of a ladders matches is exactly what Harper is and because of that he was honestly a true stand out of the entire night not just this match. I do think it took a while to really to get going, I struggled to get into it, but the quick, high level of violence meant that I soon was gripped. The match saw Dolph come out the victor and become a four time IC champion. At this point I was seriously ready to go to sleep. For anyone saying it made sense, seriously go get some help because you have to be the biggest idiot I know. It made no sense what so ever to have Harper drop the title last night. He had an absolute terrible reign. He never won a match on either RAW or Smackdown and he gets a big beat down on the last RAW before the pay per view by Erick Rowan, and then they have him lose the title back to Ziggler after just over a month of holding it. Harper is one of the strongest most promising talents the WWE have right now. He's an upcoming star, the future of the company but yet instead of giving him a big push last night, witch they could easily have done, they give the title back to Ziggler who not only has been in the company for years and didn't need the championship, but who was also suppose to be getting a main event push? At first, when Harper won the title I didn't think he needed it but when you give him a crap title reign and then have him lose it a month later, no bad bad move, and from tonight onwards the WWE have a lot of hard work to do to get Harper back on track.
We then saw the tag team championships being defended as The Miz and Damien Mizdow took on the Usos. I have to admit, I hardly watched this match. I honestly hate both these teams and I don't think I will take any interest in the tag division until the Ascension come up. Yes, Damien is funny and we all love him but I honestly can't see anything big coming up for him because of this thing they have him doing now. I think I expressed enough that I didn't want the Usos to win but I have to admit also that there was a little part of me that wanted the Usos to win. I may not like Jimmy and Jey but they simply are the best tag team on the main roster at the moment and when the Ascension do come up I would much rather see them feud with The Usos for the title rather than the Miz and Damien Mizdow. The match was weak and had no story to it, so for that I can't really say much.

Up next, the first ever stairs match, so it was time for the big show and Erick Rowan to make some history. Now, I know so many people were moaning about this match but I actually really really liked it and honestly thought this was one of the best matches of the night, maybe even in the top three or four. I don't think any other two superstars could of pulled this match off, so hats off to them. What I loved about this match was how barbaric it was. Rowan really did shine in this match and the level
of violence was just perfect. I also loved the unpredictability of this match up too. Because this match had never been done you didn't know how exactly it was going to turn out and I honestly thought this was a really really strong match. However, the ending. I was honestly so mad last night when Rowan lost. This is yet another huge huge mistake the WWE made last night and there is not a single person who can disagree with me. Once again, Rowan is one of the strongest, most promising talents the company has right now, He clearly has a very wide move set we are still yet to really see, the character works and he connects with the crowd, yet they had him loose to one of the oldest superstars on the roster who is close to retirement. What? It made no sense what so ever. Rowan really needed this win to secure a nice strong future or at least upcoming months. But they have him loose by Show using the steps to pin him? bad bad bad move.
Then it was time for the tables match between Seth Rollins and John Cena. Now I actually thought this match out be the main event, I think everyone did. But as we found out later on in the night it was actually Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt who were main eventing. This match was clearly one of the strongest matches of the night. Once again the young, upcoming star stood out, Seth Rollins. He simply owned this match and not just because of he's wrestling but because of the character. He played the top heel throughout the entire match and it was little things he did in the ring that made this match that much better and made him stood out that little bit more. It was a nice back and fourth match and lived up to the expectations. I said it in my prediction post for this match that these two have had some great match ups in the past and last night was one of them. During the end of the match Big show came out to help Rollins witch I don't get, but then of course Roman Reigns made he's return (predictable) and made things a little more even and allowing Cena to pick up the win. This mas easily the most predictable but it was a strong, solid match so can't complain.
Up next, Nikki Bella was set to defend her divas championship against the diva of the year AJ Lee. I have to admit I didn't have high hopes for this match. I wasn't expecting anything big but after the NXT Women's match up between Charlotte and Sasha Banks last Thursday I did think the WWE would try and make their female talent on the main roster look stronger but no, they didn't what so ever, and we got the typical diva rubbish from the beginning right to the end and how Nikki actually won. The match was okay. I mean, as I said nothing stood out and made me think match of the year, unlike the NXT match from Thursday but it as solid and both divas, mainly Nikki, did a good job. The problem I had was that it didn't flow. It felt way too planed out and thought throw and it made it hard to focus on the match. I did like the unpredictability because I really didn't know who was going to win, it could of gone either way. As we all saw, Nikki ended up picking up the win after spraying something in the face of AJ allowing her to quickly hit the rack attack and score the win. There has been big rumours AJ Lee is now finished with WWE but these rumours have been going around pretty much all year so we will see tonight I should imagine.
Ryback and Kane then went one on one in a chairs match. I don't think there was anyone really excited for this match. I found it hard writing up my prediction post last week and with a weak build up it as difficult to get into it. There's also the fact these two have no chemistry in the ring what so ever. That being said the match was better than I expected. Admittedly I didn't really focus on the match much and actually had a bathroom break at this moment but from what I saw it was solid and of course Ryback scored the win. It will be more than interesting seeing what they do with both Superstars next.
The next match was for the United States championship as Rusev defended the title against Jack Swagger. I was beyond disappointed with this match because in my head it should of only gone one way. But of course this is WWE and last night they were on a role, having giving out the wrong bookings left right and centre. Long story short Rusev won plain and simple. What was so striking was that the match was so so short and Swagger hardly even got any offence. In my eyes, Swagger should of won hands down. I just don't understand why they did this. The two already feuded earlier on in the year and Swagger failed to beat Rusev and then they put them in a second feud for three weeks, building up Swagger to then have him loose at the final pay per view of the year. IT MAKES NO SENSE. This was hands down the biggest mistake of the night and it's more than clear that
Swagger is really really gonna suffer in the coming months, and what on earth is next for Rusev?
Finally it was main event time, and to our surprise it was actually Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt's TLC match that main evented the show. This was the best decision the WWE made all night. I keep saying it but as much as the company love Roman Reigns, they can't hide the fact that these two are the real stars and they more than deserved to main event the final pay per view of the year. This was easily the match of the night and one of the best matches of the entire year. The match was everything I could of asked for and the two more than lived up to the expectations. They simply stole the freaking show. The match was just so barbaric and these are two of the most unpredictable superstars on the entire roster and that was what really kept me watch as well. It was a violent, passionate, pure wrestling match between two young upcoming stars. The length of the match was perfect even though I could honestly watch the two go at it all night long. Just how extreme it was was what made this match so epic and everyone and I mean everyone enjoyed it. I did think Dean needed the win. He's yet to score a huge win but he was clearly the stand out of this match controlling most of it and taking everything to the next level. It was a nice win for Bray but both men did a great great job and saved what was a terrible show.
Let me know what YOU thought of the TLC pay per view by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
The first match to kick off the show was the ladders match for the Intercontinental championship between the champ Luke Harper and Dolph Ziggler. Now, the problem I had with this match was the same problem I had with many in fact most of the matches last night; it was a great all round match, strong and gripping but the ending made no sense. This was easily one of the best ladder matches we have seen from the WWE in a while. These two brought it last night and set the bar extremely high for the other matches to follow. Harper for me was the stand out. He seemed to fit in so well with the environment. The extreme, unpredictability of a ladders matches is exactly what Harper is and because of that he was honestly a true stand out of the entire night not just this match. I do think it took a while to really to get going, I struggled to get into it, but the quick, high level of violence meant that I soon was gripped. The match saw Dolph come out the victor and become a four time IC champion. At this point I was seriously ready to go to sleep. For anyone saying it made sense, seriously go get some help because you have to be the biggest idiot I know. It made no sense what so ever to have Harper drop the title last night. He had an absolute terrible reign. He never won a match on either RAW or Smackdown and he gets a big beat down on the last RAW before the pay per view by Erick Rowan, and then they have him lose the title back to Ziggler after just over a month of holding it. Harper is one of the strongest most promising talents the WWE have right now. He's an upcoming star, the future of the company but yet instead of giving him a big push last night, witch they could easily have done, they give the title back to Ziggler who not only has been in the company for years and didn't need the championship, but who was also suppose to be getting a main event push? At first, when Harper won the title I didn't think he needed it but when you give him a crap title reign and then have him lose it a month later, no bad bad move, and from tonight onwards the WWE have a lot of hard work to do to get Harper back on track.
We then saw the tag team championships being defended as The Miz and Damien Mizdow took on the Usos. I have to admit, I hardly watched this match. I honestly hate both these teams and I don't think I will take any interest in the tag division until the Ascension come up. Yes, Damien is funny and we all love him but I honestly can't see anything big coming up for him because of this thing they have him doing now. I think I expressed enough that I didn't want the Usos to win but I have to admit also that there was a little part of me that wanted the Usos to win. I may not like Jimmy and Jey but they simply are the best tag team on the main roster at the moment and when the Ascension do come up I would much rather see them feud with The Usos for the title rather than the Miz and Damien Mizdow. The match was weak and had no story to it, so for that I can't really say much.

Up next, the first ever stairs match, so it was time for the big show and Erick Rowan to make some history. Now, I know so many people were moaning about this match but I actually really really liked it and honestly thought this was one of the best matches of the night, maybe even in the top three or four. I don't think any other two superstars could of pulled this match off, so hats off to them. What I loved about this match was how barbaric it was. Rowan really did shine in this match and the level
of violence was just perfect. I also loved the unpredictability of this match up too. Because this match had never been done you didn't know how exactly it was going to turn out and I honestly thought this was a really really strong match. However, the ending. I was honestly so mad last night when Rowan lost. This is yet another huge huge mistake the WWE made last night and there is not a single person who can disagree with me. Once again, Rowan is one of the strongest, most promising talents the company has right now, He clearly has a very wide move set we are still yet to really see, the character works and he connects with the crowd, yet they had him loose to one of the oldest superstars on the roster who is close to retirement. What? It made no sense what so ever. Rowan really needed this win to secure a nice strong future or at least upcoming months. But they have him loose by Show using the steps to pin him? bad bad bad move.
Then it was time for the tables match between Seth Rollins and John Cena. Now I actually thought this match out be the main event, I think everyone did. But as we found out later on in the night it was actually Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt who were main eventing. This match was clearly one of the strongest matches of the night. Once again the young, upcoming star stood out, Seth Rollins. He simply owned this match and not just because of he's wrestling but because of the character. He played the top heel throughout the entire match and it was little things he did in the ring that made this match that much better and made him stood out that little bit more. It was a nice back and fourth match and lived up to the expectations. I said it in my prediction post for this match that these two have had some great match ups in the past and last night was one of them. During the end of the match Big show came out to help Rollins witch I don't get, but then of course Roman Reigns made he's return (predictable) and made things a little more even and allowing Cena to pick up the win. This mas easily the most predictable but it was a strong, solid match so can't complain.
Up next, Nikki Bella was set to defend her divas championship against the diva of the year AJ Lee. I have to admit I didn't have high hopes for this match. I wasn't expecting anything big but after the NXT Women's match up between Charlotte and Sasha Banks last Thursday I did think the WWE would try and make their female talent on the main roster look stronger but no, they didn't what so ever, and we got the typical diva rubbish from the beginning right to the end and how Nikki actually won. The match was okay. I mean, as I said nothing stood out and made me think match of the year, unlike the NXT match from Thursday but it as solid and both divas, mainly Nikki, did a good job. The problem I had was that it didn't flow. It felt way too planed out and thought throw and it made it hard to focus on the match. I did like the unpredictability because I really didn't know who was going to win, it could of gone either way. As we all saw, Nikki ended up picking up the win after spraying something in the face of AJ allowing her to quickly hit the rack attack and score the win. There has been big rumours AJ Lee is now finished with WWE but these rumours have been going around pretty much all year so we will see tonight I should imagine.
Ryback and Kane then went one on one in a chairs match. I don't think there was anyone really excited for this match. I found it hard writing up my prediction post last week and with a weak build up it as difficult to get into it. There's also the fact these two have no chemistry in the ring what so ever. That being said the match was better than I expected. Admittedly I didn't really focus on the match much and actually had a bathroom break at this moment but from what I saw it was solid and of course Ryback scored the win. It will be more than interesting seeing what they do with both Superstars next.
The next match was for the United States championship as Rusev defended the title against Jack Swagger. I was beyond disappointed with this match because in my head it should of only gone one way. But of course this is WWE and last night they were on a role, having giving out the wrong bookings left right and centre. Long story short Rusev won plain and simple. What was so striking was that the match was so so short and Swagger hardly even got any offence. In my eyes, Swagger should of won hands down. I just don't understand why they did this. The two already feuded earlier on in the year and Swagger failed to beat Rusev and then they put them in a second feud for three weeks, building up Swagger to then have him loose at the final pay per view of the year. IT MAKES NO SENSE. This was hands down the biggest mistake of the night and it's more than clear that
Swagger is really really gonna suffer in the coming months, and what on earth is next for Rusev?
Finally it was main event time, and to our surprise it was actually Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt's TLC match that main evented the show. This was the best decision the WWE made all night. I keep saying it but as much as the company love Roman Reigns, they can't hide the fact that these two are the real stars and they more than deserved to main event the final pay per view of the year. This was easily the match of the night and one of the best matches of the entire year. The match was everything I could of asked for and the two more than lived up to the expectations. They simply stole the freaking show. The match was just so barbaric and these are two of the most unpredictable superstars on the entire roster and that was what really kept me watch as well. It was a violent, passionate, pure wrestling match between two young upcoming stars. The length of the match was perfect even though I could honestly watch the two go at it all night long. Just how extreme it was was what made this match so epic and everyone and I mean everyone enjoyed it. I did think Dean needed the win. He's yet to score a huge win but he was clearly the stand out of this match controlling most of it and taking everything to the next level. It was a nice win for Bray but both men did a great great job and saved what was a terrible show.
Let me know what YOU thought of the TLC pay per view by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
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