Top Twenty Superstars of the year: 10- 1
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World. So it's finally December and as you all know it's time for my very own version of the slammys. Thought this month I have been giving you my top five's, tens, twenties and more of the whole year. I will make sure to leave the link's bellow to any recent post including parts two and three of this post. Today we are taking a look at the final part of my twenty WWE superstars of the year counting down the final ten. Remember this list has not been influenced by and of the people who read y blog; I have completely made the list up myself and they are all my own judgements and opinions. That being said I would love to know who YOU'RE superstar of the year is by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
10) Dolph Ziggler
Kicking off my top ten superstars of the year is Dolph Ziggler. This has been on heck of an interesting year for Ziggler, full of highs and lows. We all know how hugely underrated Dolph is and hot little respect the WWE show and give him, however he has had he's fare share of great moment's this year and he's fans have not let him down for a single second. He kicked off the ear having the odd good matches and he would then walk into the Royal Rumble match up with an insane reaction from a wild crowd. Ziggler actually has a pretty decent history inside the Royal Rumble with last year being one he's best performances. This year he didn't have as much success as the previous year but he still had a fairly good time in the ring and the crowd stayed behind him throughout the time he was in the match. He would eventually get eliminated by Roman Reigns. Throughout the year the WWE universe's passion for Ziggler is what got him in some great matches over the year. He would compete at the Money in the bank ladder match for the briefcase; he had an amazing performance but failed to score another money in the bank win. With Ziggler it has been the one on one matches that have got him in my top ten. He has been in some of the best matches of the year; this includes a one on one match up with Bad New's Barrett on RAW and another match on RAW against Randy Orton. I'm sure the Orton match is one that has stuck in you're heads. He's performance in that match was amazing! He has also picked up the IC championship twice this year and was apart of the huge Team Cena VS Team Authority match up last month. He completely stole the Survivor Series show and proved once and for all he was a champion.
9) Daniel Bryan
At number nine is Daniel Bryan. Finding a reasonable place to put Daniel Bryan in this list was really difficult. Even though he has been out of action since May, I really wanted to have him in my top ten superstars of the year. Apart of me was wondering weather or not to have him in the 20-15 part of the list or to go closer to the number one spot, so I ended up settling for number nine. I honestly think if Bryan didn't have he's injury he would be right at the top right now and would of had one of the best years in history. He already had an amazing five months to the year and the future was looking really bright for him before he was forced to go out of action. In January, Daniel was doing a lot of work with the Wyatt family after making the WWE universe believe he had joined Bray Wyatt and he's clan however after a steel cage match he would attack Bray and this would lead to one of the best matches of the year. I'm sure all of you will remember the Bray Wyatt/ Daniel Bray match up at the Royal Rumble PPV, this was a truly amazing match up between to seriously big, up coming stars. He would then go on to be in one of the biggest feuds of the year with the Authority as he chased after the WWE World Heavyweight championship. The build up was amazing and we saw some of the best mic work from Daniel we had ever seen. He has an amazing performance at the Elimination chamber main event and even better one at Wrestlemania 30. At the biggest PPV of the year Bryan competed twice in one night in two outstanding matches and captured the championship. He would then be put in a storyline with Kane and after an amazing match at Extreme rules he was forced to leave due to an injury. The storyline surrounding him dropping the title was great and really well done and he stayed relevant throughout he's time out.
8) Triple H
Up next in my top ten superstars of the year is Triple H. Yes, I have had my fair share of moans and rants about the king of kings himself this year but he has hands down had one of the best 12 months out of everyone on the roster. I want to firstly just mention the amazing job he is doing down in NXT. He's work earlier this year Daniel Bryan was outstanding and hands down some of the best work we have seen all year round. Every promo and segment had 100% passion and drive in it an he kept us interested and wanting to see more, playing the heel role once again to perfection. I don't think the WWE universe has felt to passionate towards any other heel as much as Triple H. He competed in an amazing match at Wrestlemania against Daniel Bryan, in fact this was easily one of the best matches of the year. He then entered another amazing feud with the Shield witch also saw the return of one of the biggest factions in the history of the WWE, Evolution. Once again he competed in some of the best matches of 2014. Hunters mic work this week has been some of the best mic work we have seen all year round and he was also my heel of the year witch I will leave the link to to that post bellow.
7) Roman Reigns
Coming in at number seven is the powerhouse Roman Reigns. I think the whole world know's how much I have moaned about Reigns over the past year and I have made several post about the up coming star that haven't been the most positive but their was no way I was going to not put him in my top ten. Now I have placed Reigns at number seven and if he wasn't out of action for those thew month's I defiantly think he would of been much closer to the number one spot. Reigns by far had one of the best year's out of everyone on the roster. He defeated CM Punk back at the start of the year and was the only one out of the Shield to do so. At the Royal Rumble PPV he had an amazing night making history eliminating the most amount of men in one royal rumble match and was also the last guy left in the ring with Batista before being eliminated. He entered a huge feud with The Wyatt family and was apart of one of the best matches of the year at Elimination chamber. After having their face turn the Shield also picked up their second Wrestlemania win. He also scored two wins over Evolution. After the split of the Shied Roman was put right in the main event spotlight and picked up a win over veteran Randy Orton at one of the biggest pay per vies of the year, Summer Slam. He was part of the Battleground main event, the money in the bank main event and several other RAW and Smackdown main event shows. Even throughout he's absence the WWE kept him relevant with regular live interviews.
6) Randy Orton
At number six in my top twenty superstars of the year is Randy Orton. To be honest this list would not have been completed without Randy Orton. He future hall of famer has had an interesting year full of many strong and not so strong moments. Kicking off the year as the fist ever WWE World heavyweight champion really set him on a high and he had a great match against John Cena at the Royal Rumble Pay per view. He headlined Wrestlemania in one of the best matches of the year, he had another great hell in a cell and night of champions match. He won the elimination chamber, had a great performance at both the money in the bank and Summer Slam pay per view and a good performance at Battleground. He has competed at almost every single pay per view show, he has been put centre stag and in some of the biggest feuds of the year and has put over new talents amazingly such as Seth Rollins and Roman Reigns.
5) John Cena
Coming in at number five in my top twenty superstars of the year is John Cena. I know I moan about
him a lot but I kinda had to have in my top twenty, it would of been stupid if I didn't to be honest. Weather you love him or hate him you cannot deny the fact he has had one heck of a year. He had a great match at the Royal Rumble against Randy Orton for the championship back in January witch was a great start and then the WWE took him away from the title picture for a while witch was a great move and had him enter a new hot feud with Bray Wyatt witch was truly amazing. He won the WWE World Heavyweight championship at the Money in the bank pay per view and had an interesting two matches against Brock Lesnar. The main reason I had Cena in my top five is because after all he did become a 15 time champion.
4) Dean Ambrose
Number four will come to no surprise to any of you as the lunatic fringe grace's he's way into my top five superstars of the year. This has been one truly epic year for Dean Ambrose, literally from start to finish and he has one heck of a promising future. He had a good performance at he's first Royal Rumble event, he was involved in one of the best matches of the year at elimination chamber, he became two and 0 at Wrestlemania and became the longest reigning United States champion in recent years. He won the WWE universe over in a matter of week and became one of the biggest baby faces in the company after the split of the shield. He's feud with Seth Rollins would be on of the best feuds of the year and we saw some of the best work we have seen from both Superstars and some of the best work to come out of the WWE in years. He had one of the best performances at Hell in a cell in many many years and he has hands down secured a strong strong future in the WWE.
3) Bray Wyatt
At number three is Bray Wyatt. When I was creating my top twenty superstars of the year and looking back at my notes from the past twelve months there was one man that stood out greatly, and that man was the one and only Bray Wyatt. He kicked off the year amazingly in one of the best matches of the year against Daniel Bryan at the Royal Rumble pay per view. The with Bryan was also one of the best of the year. He then was apart of one of the best matches of the year when he participated in the shield vs Wyatt family match up at Elimination chamber. Bray was also put in a huge feud with John Cena witch saw him compete at Wrestlemania for the first time, he also scored a win over Cena at the extreme rules pay per view. He has proven to be one of the best speakers the company has had in years and has had one truly epic year,
2) Brock Lesnar
Coming in at number two and just missing out on the number one spot is Brock Lesnar. This has been one heck of a crazy year for the beast Brock Lesnar. He may be a part time superstar but this year he has owned 2014 and took the WWE by storm. Right from the start of the year Lesnar was thrown into a hot feud, this time with the big show, and he had a dominate match and win over him at the Royal Rumble pay per view. We would then see Lesnar back in action at Wrestlemania where he shocked the world by ending the Undertakers undefeated streak making it 21-1. He then defeated John Cena at Summer Slam, the second biggest pay per view of the year to become the new WWE World Heavy Weight champion. The match was one of the most one sided, dominating matches in WWE history. This has been an insane year for Lesnar and I think he's got an even bigger year ahead.
10) Dolph Ziggler
Kicking off my top ten superstars of the year is Dolph Ziggler. This has been on heck of an interesting year for Ziggler, full of highs and lows. We all know how hugely underrated Dolph is and hot little respect the WWE show and give him, however he has had he's fare share of great moment's this year and he's fans have not let him down for a single second. He kicked off the ear having the odd good matches and he would then walk into the Royal Rumble match up with an insane reaction from a wild crowd. Ziggler actually has a pretty decent history inside the Royal Rumble with last year being one he's best performances. This year he didn't have as much success as the previous year but he still had a fairly good time in the ring and the crowd stayed behind him throughout the time he was in the match. He would eventually get eliminated by Roman Reigns. Throughout the year the WWE universe's passion for Ziggler is what got him in some great matches over the year. He would compete at the Money in the bank ladder match for the briefcase; he had an amazing performance but failed to score another money in the bank win. With Ziggler it has been the one on one matches that have got him in my top ten. He has been in some of the best matches of the year; this includes a one on one match up with Bad New's Barrett on RAW and another match on RAW against Randy Orton. I'm sure the Orton match is one that has stuck in you're heads. He's performance in that match was amazing! He has also picked up the IC championship twice this year and was apart of the huge Team Cena VS Team Authority match up last month. He completely stole the Survivor Series show and proved once and for all he was a champion.
9) Daniel Bryan
At number nine is Daniel Bryan. Finding a reasonable place to put Daniel Bryan in this list was really difficult. Even though he has been out of action since May, I really wanted to have him in my top ten superstars of the year. Apart of me was wondering weather or not to have him in the 20-15 part of the list or to go closer to the number one spot, so I ended up settling for number nine. I honestly think if Bryan didn't have he's injury he would be right at the top right now and would of had one of the best years in history. He already had an amazing five months to the year and the future was looking really bright for him before he was forced to go out of action. In January, Daniel was doing a lot of work with the Wyatt family after making the WWE universe believe he had joined Bray Wyatt and he's clan however after a steel cage match he would attack Bray and this would lead to one of the best matches of the year. I'm sure all of you will remember the Bray Wyatt/ Daniel Bray match up at the Royal Rumble PPV, this was a truly amazing match up between to seriously big, up coming stars. He would then go on to be in one of the biggest feuds of the year with the Authority as he chased after the WWE World Heavyweight championship. The build up was amazing and we saw some of the best mic work from Daniel we had ever seen. He has an amazing performance at the Elimination chamber main event and even better one at Wrestlemania 30. At the biggest PPV of the year Bryan competed twice in one night in two outstanding matches and captured the championship. He would then be put in a storyline with Kane and after an amazing match at Extreme rules he was forced to leave due to an injury. The storyline surrounding him dropping the title was great and really well done and he stayed relevant throughout he's time out.
8) Triple H
Up next in my top ten superstars of the year is Triple H. Yes, I have had my fair share of moans and rants about the king of kings himself this year but he has hands down had one of the best 12 months out of everyone on the roster. I want to firstly just mention the amazing job he is doing down in NXT. He's work earlier this year Daniel Bryan was outstanding and hands down some of the best work we have seen all year round. Every promo and segment had 100% passion and drive in it an he kept us interested and wanting to see more, playing the heel role once again to perfection. I don't think the WWE universe has felt to passionate towards any other heel as much as Triple H. He competed in an amazing match at Wrestlemania against Daniel Bryan, in fact this was easily one of the best matches of the year. He then entered another amazing feud with the Shield witch also saw the return of one of the biggest factions in the history of the WWE, Evolution. Once again he competed in some of the best matches of 2014. Hunters mic work this week has been some of the best mic work we have seen all year round and he was also my heel of the year witch I will leave the link to to that post bellow.
7) Roman Reigns
Coming in at number seven is the powerhouse Roman Reigns. I think the whole world know's how much I have moaned about Reigns over the past year and I have made several post about the up coming star that haven't been the most positive but their was no way I was going to not put him in my top ten. Now I have placed Reigns at number seven and if he wasn't out of action for those thew month's I defiantly think he would of been much closer to the number one spot. Reigns by far had one of the best year's out of everyone on the roster. He defeated CM Punk back at the start of the year and was the only one out of the Shield to do so. At the Royal Rumble PPV he had an amazing night making history eliminating the most amount of men in one royal rumble match and was also the last guy left in the ring with Batista before being eliminated. He entered a huge feud with The Wyatt family and was apart of one of the best matches of the year at Elimination chamber. After having their face turn the Shield also picked up their second Wrestlemania win. He also scored two wins over Evolution. After the split of the Shied Roman was put right in the main event spotlight and picked up a win over veteran Randy Orton at one of the biggest pay per vies of the year, Summer Slam. He was part of the Battleground main event, the money in the bank main event and several other RAW and Smackdown main event shows. Even throughout he's absence the WWE kept him relevant with regular live interviews.
6) Randy Orton

5) John Cena
Coming in at number five in my top twenty superstars of the year is John Cena. I know I moan about
him a lot but I kinda had to have in my top twenty, it would of been stupid if I didn't to be honest. Weather you love him or hate him you cannot deny the fact he has had one heck of a year. He had a great match at the Royal Rumble against Randy Orton for the championship back in January witch was a great start and then the WWE took him away from the title picture for a while witch was a great move and had him enter a new hot feud with Bray Wyatt witch was truly amazing. He won the WWE World Heavyweight championship at the Money in the bank pay per view and had an interesting two matches against Brock Lesnar. The main reason I had Cena in my top five is because after all he did become a 15 time champion.
4) Dean Ambrose
Number four will come to no surprise to any of you as the lunatic fringe grace's he's way into my top five superstars of the year. This has been one truly epic year for Dean Ambrose, literally from start to finish and he has one heck of a promising future. He had a good performance at he's first Royal Rumble event, he was involved in one of the best matches of the year at elimination chamber, he became two and 0 at Wrestlemania and became the longest reigning United States champion in recent years. He won the WWE universe over in a matter of week and became one of the biggest baby faces in the company after the split of the shield. He's feud with Seth Rollins would be on of the best feuds of the year and we saw some of the best work we have seen from both Superstars and some of the best work to come out of the WWE in years. He had one of the best performances at Hell in a cell in many many years and he has hands down secured a strong strong future in the WWE.
3) Bray Wyatt
At number three is Bray Wyatt. When I was creating my top twenty superstars of the year and looking back at my notes from the past twelve months there was one man that stood out greatly, and that man was the one and only Bray Wyatt. He kicked off the year amazingly in one of the best matches of the year against Daniel Bryan at the Royal Rumble pay per view. The with Bryan was also one of the best of the year. He then was apart of one of the best matches of the year when he participated in the shield vs Wyatt family match up at Elimination chamber. Bray was also put in a huge feud with John Cena witch saw him compete at Wrestlemania for the first time, he also scored a win over Cena at the extreme rules pay per view. He has proven to be one of the best speakers the company has had in years and has had one truly epic year,
2) Brock Lesnar
Coming in at number two and just missing out on the number one spot is Brock Lesnar. This has been one heck of a crazy year for the beast Brock Lesnar. He may be a part time superstar but this year he has owned 2014 and took the WWE by storm. Right from the start of the year Lesnar was thrown into a hot feud, this time with the big show, and he had a dominate match and win over him at the Royal Rumble pay per view. We would then see Lesnar back in action at Wrestlemania where he shocked the world by ending the Undertakers undefeated streak making it 21-1. He then defeated John Cena at Summer Slam, the second biggest pay per view of the year to become the new WWE World Heavy Weight champion. The match was one of the most one sided, dominating matches in WWE history. This has been an insane year for Lesnar and I think he's got an even bigger year ahead.
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