RAW Predictions
As announced last week one of the most iconic tag teams in the history of the WWE, Hall of famer Edge and former world champion Christian will not only guest star this week's Monday night RAW but they will also be running the show! With the Authority still out of power, over the past month we have had several past and present superstars taking control of both RAW and Smackdown, including, Daniel Bryan, Chris Jericho and Santino Marella. Personally, I hate this idea. I don't really like the idea of having different people taking control of show's especially considering they have pretty much all been baby face's. I'm not sure if it's just me but I like more order. I like to have a strong storyline with some in charge and hopefully in the new year we will be given a permanent new general manager or even the return of the Authority. Anyway, as we all know, tonight is the final episode of Monday night RAW of 2014 and with the Ascension set to make their debut and Edge and Christian in charge we are set to end the year with a bang! So let's get into the predictions.
For the past thew weeks the WWE have been teasing the main roster debut of the Ascension. Now, if you haven't heard of or seen any of the work of Konnor and Viktor aka the Ascension than you must have been living under a rock! But seriously, you haven't than you really should go check them out before tonight. These guy's are the longest reigning NXT champions and two of the most destructive superstars to come to NXT and tonight they make their official main roster debut. Now, I'm beyond happy about how much of a success these guys have been and how big their following is however after seeing how NXT divas and Superstars are treated once going up to the main roster I'm really on edge and after seeing the slight changes they have already made with them I'm really dreading seeing what they have done to them and how they will treat them on the main roster. I have mentioned several times that I think this is the wrong time for them to debut and they should of arrived on the main roster months back with the WWE having the Usos drop the titles to Harper and Rowan and have the Ascension debut and take on the Wyatts for the championship. Personally, I think this would of worked much much better and would set them off really strong on the main roster so it's gonna be interesting seeing what they do with them tonight. With The Miz working some kind of storyline with Naomi and Jimmy Uso it does look like Damien and Miz will be dropping the title really soon maybe even on the Royal Rumble pre show but then again I don't know how much of a good decision it

Superstars looking for a taste of momentum this week include, Luke Harper, Dean Ambrose and Erick Rowan. Last week on RAW Luke Harper was given another shot at the Dolph Ziggler's Intercontinental championship and despite having an amazing match up he failed to recapture the title. Tonight the WWE must give him that extra push allowing him to pick up a strong win in a singles match up. As for Erick Rowan, we never saw him appear on last week's episode of RAW so
hopefully tonight he get's the spotlight back in a single's match. Last week also saw Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt continue their feud as the two main evented RAW in epic street fight and the two would once again collide on Smackdown during Dean's title US title shot. Personally, I don't think there's much left in this feud and I think if they are gonna go at it again it's better sooner rather than later. This week it's Ambrose who is in need of some momentum, after loosing to Bray in the street fight and then having Bray interrupt he's match on Smackdown, tonight Ambrose must regain some momentum and to be honest I think it's best they are both given separate opponents.
Moving on to the divas division we can expect serious Total Diva plugging as the show returns this Sunday with new additions of Paige and Alicia Fox. Tonight we can expect to see a promotion match and with the strong reaction Paige got last week, the WWE would be stupid to not have her in action tonight. There has also been hints of Natalya getting a shot at the divas championship and with Charlotte set to make her main roster debut in a number of months it would make so much sense to have her as the next divas champion. We will get a more clear idea of what is going on between Nikki, Natalya and the championship tonight if anything is to come of it. Finally on talk of the divas division, everyone want's to know what is happening with AJ Lee and weather or not she makes a return tonight will be another thing but I doubt it very much.
On the topic of returns, this past week both Bad New's Barrett and Randy Orton returned to in ring action during a live home show. It was reported however that Orton suffered an injury on the night of he's return. Hopefully tonight we will see both men or at least one of the two make their return to the main shows. If Barrett is set to return tonight there is a fair amount of things they could do with him including a feud with Dolph Ziggler. With Ziggler holding the championship that Barrett never lost in the first place a feud between the two makes perfect sense and with Ziggler not involved in anything solid a heavy storyline and feud with need for him. As for Orton. Weather or not he returns tonight is still a big question and talk of conversation. If he does return he will most certainly be returning as a baby face probably entering a feud with Seth Rollins picking up were he left off. However I think that with Rollins currently working with Cena and Kane doing practically nothing it would make sense for Orton to step in the ring with Kane in a mini feud building up to the Royal Rumble and bigger things. There is no update on the return of Sheamus.
I mentioned last week that there has been rumours of a big push for Titus O'Neil and after dominating a good chunk of he's match last week on Superstars against Justin Gabriel and also picking up the win things are looking good. Titus was also sporting a new attitude throughout he's match and although he is thirty seven this could be the right time to give Titus that big push he deserves and needs. These might be small steps but they all mean something.

Finally, Cena and Rollins. I have said it time and time again, these two put on truly amazing matches! That's no secret, but if I have to sit through another match up between the two I think I may actually loose my mind! Tonight we should get more progression and build up to Cena's title match with Lesnar for the Royal Rumble pay per view. As for Rollins I really cannot predict what is next for him, unless Orton makes a return tonight I predict he will carry on working with Cena in the ring and somehow main event the show tonight.
My WWE Predictions for 2015
Changes coming to Talk Wrestling World
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