RAW Predictions
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World. It's Monday, witch mean's it's of course time for my RAW Predictions. Over the past seven day's a lot has happened in the WWE, with rumours spreading around the internet, new matches announced, controversy over some of last week's mic work and much much more, there is a lot of different drams that are set to go down tonight as RAW airs live from the BOK centre. Today I plan on giving you the low down on everything that has been happening over the past seven day's and how it will effect tonight's show, with full prediction and more. I will as usual, leave the link's bellow to any recent post's including last week's predictions and my review and reaction's post for both the Survivor Series pay per view and Monday night RAW. As always, you can let me know what YOUR predictions for tonight's show are by leaving a comment bellow in the comments section or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Over the past seven day's there has been a lot going on, witch I'm sure you are all more than aware of. With hot rumours surfacing the internet, controversy surrounding last week's mic work from the divas, CM Punk finally addressing the world and revealing the truth around he's parting with World Wrestling Entertainment, and much much more, it has been a tough week for the WWE and with RAW airing live from the BOK centre, we can expect a firery show and a beyond passionate crowd with some interesting chants. As the company draw their attention to the final pay per view of the year, TLC,and with two matches officially announced we can expect a show that focuses on the build up and announcement of more matches for the show. With NXT also having their fourth live show of the year, will the WWE pay some attention to that this week and help promote the work of the upcoming stars and what is set to come on the eleventh of December, exclusively on the WWE network? Let's take a look into seven of the hottest topics leading into to tonight's episode of Monday night RAW.
Over the past week there has been a lot of controversy surrounding the current feud between AJ Lee and the divas champion Nikki Bella. Many female fans hit the internet last week and expressed their displeasure for the mic work delivered by AJ on RAW, claiming that she was slut shaming the Bella twins and crossing a line, by saying that "Talent is not sexually transmitted". I personally had no problem with this and I thought it was one of my favourite quotes of the year. I really like how personal this feud went last week and I liked how deep AJ went in her little speech and the people complaining just over reacted, I think we need to celebrate the fact that the girls are getting more mic time. The second problem the WWE suffered came at their own hands, when it got out that the WWE had edited out most of Nikki's promo on Smackdown. It was obvious they took out a huge chunk of what Nikki said and to be honest this really pissed me off. I've heard the full version of the promo and I will try and leave a link bellow so you can go check it out as well. This was Nikki's best mic work she has ever done, it was passionate and strong and the crowd loved it. It was a real shame they edited almost all of it out. There are many reasons going around as to why the WWE edited the promo but none of them seem to be good enough in my opinion, hopefully tonight Nikki will get to hit the mic live and deliver some strong work like she did on Smackdown. We can expect to see AJ in action tonight in singles competition with Nikki probably costing her the match. Their is also the possibility of a tag match but then again teaming AJ with another diva could be difficult. Either way I's likely one of these divas will hit the mic tonight and we will possibly have the announcement that the two will go one on one once again at the TLC pay per view.
Right, I have been pretty hush hush about the CM Punk situation and to be honest I have done so because I don't really give a damn. I'm sure I will listen to the pod cast one day but all week all I have been hearing about is this god damn pod cast and it's really put me off listening to it and giving a crap, so I'm gonna pass for now. I have however expressed my anger towards the steroids comments and I could talk about that all day long but I'm not going to go into it today. I think the WWE are going to have a tough night tonight. With everything CM Punk has revealed over the past week there are a lot of angry and passionate fans out their and a lot of those angry and passionate fans are going to be in the arena tonight. We all know the CM Punk chants are gonna be louder than ever, and if the WWE don't address the matter tonight it could be a big mistake. As for Ryback I really fear for the guy. I honestly think he's gonna get a harsh reaction from the crowd and a good chunk of people on twitter tonight, and trust me I'm gonna be supporting him as much as I can tonight, so be prepared. Will the WWE actually address the matter? I honestly doubt it, it's time's like this, having the Authority around might not have been a bad idea.
RAW General Manager...
Last week saw the return of the Anonymous RAW general manager and you all know how much I HATE this idea, I think I've moaned about it every single day all week. To be honest, I really hope it doesn't stick around long and we find out who it is like tonight, but that seems beyond unlikely. favourites to be the anonymous RAW GM are, Randy Orton, Alex Riley (strange I know, but I'd love that) and Bad New's Barrett. Personally I'd love it to be Barrett and considering how much sense it would make I don't see why not. It will be interesting to see what trouble the Anonymous RAW gm will cause tonight.
With the final pay per view of the year, TLC, on the way the WWE are likely to really pay attention to the show, creating a strong line up for the show. So far Dean Ambrose and Bray Wyatt have been announced to have a TLC match and Kane and Ryback are set to go one on one in a steel chair match also at the TLC pay per view. Tonight we can expect the main event picture to start taking place. With Dolph Ziggler rumoured to be getting a huge push it's more than likely he will once again be put in tonight's main event or a big big match. Other superstars likely to be put in the TLC main event are of course John Cena and Seth Rollins. Many believe that the main event for TLC will see the three compete against each other in a triple thereat match, I do think this is a strong possibility but if I'm honest I can't see where that would fit into a storyline. With Orton having been out of action for almost a month now, could tonight see the return of the viper? With the WWE lacking main event stars, they are in desperate need of Orton back in action, a feud with Rollins would make perfect sense and would carry on from where the two left off. I'd also like to see Bray in action tonight. It's been a while since he competed on Monday night RAW and I do think he needs to be in a few strong matches before the TLC pay per view. A promo from either Ambrose or Wyatt is almost certain.
NXT will present their fifth live show next week and I'm hoping that this week and next week the WWE focus on building up and promoting it. Having a couple of NXT matches on the main roster shows leading up to NXT will go down a treat. Pretty much everyone want's to see another NXT match on RAW and it would really help boost the popularity of the upcoming, new superstars, NXT as a whole and the live show. Also persuading people to sign up for the WWE network without shoving it down out throats.
We do also need to see new superstars get in the picture for a shot at the IC and US championship before the TLC pay per view. Tonight we should also see the RAW debut of the new day, witch should be awesome.
Debut of the year
RAW Review and Reactions
Over the past seven day's there has been a lot going on, witch I'm sure you are all more than aware of. With hot rumours surfacing the internet, controversy surrounding last week's mic work from the divas, CM Punk finally addressing the world and revealing the truth around he's parting with World Wrestling Entertainment, and much much more, it has been a tough week for the WWE and with RAW airing live from the BOK centre, we can expect a firery show and a beyond passionate crowd with some interesting chants. As the company draw their attention to the final pay per view of the year, TLC,and with two matches officially announced we can expect a show that focuses on the build up and announcement of more matches for the show. With NXT also having their fourth live show of the year, will the WWE pay some attention to that this week and help promote the work of the upcoming stars and what is set to come on the eleventh of December, exclusively on the WWE network? Let's take a look into seven of the hottest topics leading into to tonight's episode of Monday night RAW.
Over the past week there has been a lot of controversy surrounding the current feud between AJ Lee and the divas champion Nikki Bella. Many female fans hit the internet last week and expressed their displeasure for the mic work delivered by AJ on RAW, claiming that she was slut shaming the Bella twins and crossing a line, by saying that "Talent is not sexually transmitted". I personally had no problem with this and I thought it was one of my favourite quotes of the year. I really like how personal this feud went last week and I liked how deep AJ went in her little speech and the people complaining just over reacted, I think we need to celebrate the fact that the girls are getting more mic time. The second problem the WWE suffered came at their own hands, when it got out that the WWE had edited out most of Nikki's promo on Smackdown. It was obvious they took out a huge chunk of what Nikki said and to be honest this really pissed me off. I've heard the full version of the promo and I will try and leave a link bellow so you can go check it out as well. This was Nikki's best mic work she has ever done, it was passionate and strong and the crowd loved it. It was a real shame they edited almost all of it out. There are many reasons going around as to why the WWE edited the promo but none of them seem to be good enough in my opinion, hopefully tonight Nikki will get to hit the mic live and deliver some strong work like she did on Smackdown. We can expect to see AJ in action tonight in singles competition with Nikki probably costing her the match. Their is also the possibility of a tag match but then again teaming AJ with another diva could be difficult. Either way I's likely one of these divas will hit the mic tonight and we will possibly have the announcement that the two will go one on one once again at the TLC pay per view.
Right, I have been pretty hush hush about the CM Punk situation and to be honest I have done so because I don't really give a damn. I'm sure I will listen to the pod cast one day but all week all I have been hearing about is this god damn pod cast and it's really put me off listening to it and giving a crap, so I'm gonna pass for now. I have however expressed my anger towards the steroids comments and I could talk about that all day long but I'm not going to go into it today. I think the WWE are going to have a tough night tonight. With everything CM Punk has revealed over the past week there are a lot of angry and passionate fans out their and a lot of those angry and passionate fans are going to be in the arena tonight. We all know the CM Punk chants are gonna be louder than ever, and if the WWE don't address the matter tonight it could be a big mistake. As for Ryback I really fear for the guy. I honestly think he's gonna get a harsh reaction from the crowd and a good chunk of people on twitter tonight, and trust me I'm gonna be supporting him as much as I can tonight, so be prepared. Will the WWE actually address the matter? I honestly doubt it, it's time's like this, having the Authority around might not have been a bad idea.
RAW General Manager...
Last week saw the return of the Anonymous RAW general manager and you all know how much I HATE this idea, I think I've moaned about it every single day all week. To be honest, I really hope it doesn't stick around long and we find out who it is like tonight, but that seems beyond unlikely. favourites to be the anonymous RAW GM are, Randy Orton, Alex Riley (strange I know, but I'd love that) and Bad New's Barrett. Personally I'd love it to be Barrett and considering how much sense it would make I don't see why not. It will be interesting to see what trouble the Anonymous RAW gm will cause tonight.

NXT will present their fifth live show next week and I'm hoping that this week and next week the WWE focus on building up and promoting it. Having a couple of NXT matches on the main roster shows leading up to NXT will go down a treat. Pretty much everyone want's to see another NXT match on RAW and it would really help boost the popularity of the upcoming, new superstars, NXT as a whole and the live show. Also persuading people to sign up for the WWE network without shoving it down out throats.
We do also need to see new superstars get in the picture for a shot at the IC and US championship before the TLC pay per view. Tonight we should also see the RAW debut of the new day, witch should be awesome.
Debut of the year
RAW Review and Reactions
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