Feud of the year: Dean Ambrose/ Seth Rollins
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World. So it's December and as you will already know, throughout the month I will be giving you my official top five, ten and twenty awards, kind of like my very own version of the slammys. None of the posts in this series have been influenced by anyone who reads my blog or follow me on twitter. Every post has been based on my own notes and my own personal opinions. That being said I'd love to know what you think what you consider to be the feud of the year so leave a comment bellow in the comments section or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria. I will also leave the link's bellow to any recent posts so you can check them out if you haven't already done so.
On the third of June Seth Rollins did the unpredictable and turnt on he's fellow Shield members, attacking them both with steel chairs. Not a single member of the WWE universe saw this coming epically considering the fact the three upcoming stars where at an all time high after defeating Evolution for a second time. Early on in the episode of RAW, WWE veteran Batista quit, leaving a sour face on Triple H. So the game rolled up he's sleeves once again and revealed plan B in the closing moments of an epic show. Plan B of course would be Seth Rollins, and the king of kings would once again prove he ever looses. However the actions of Rollins set up one of the biggest, most entertaining feuds of not only 2014 but in many years in the WWE.
Back in FCW, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins would be apart of one of the biggest feuds in the developmental territory. In fact the biggest feud in FCW history in my opinion. The two young stars competed in some of the best matches the company had seen ad they cemented bright bright futures. Their feud was widely spoke about and everyone wanted to know more about both Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. If you haven't seen their FCW work then I seriously advice you go check them out because there's some seriously outstanding wrestling you are missing out on. The work they did in Florida Championship wrestling made me seriously hope we would see them step in the ring together once again, however this time on the main roster.
When that time did role around the WWE and both Rollins and Ambrose did not let us down at all. From start to finish the feud was action packed and every single WWE fan was 100% into the feud. The passion, the drive, the entrainment, the wrestling ability, everything was pretty much done to perfection and it had everything you could ever want in a professional wrestling feud. The mic work was truly amazing especially from Dean Ambrose. But what I also recognised was how much Rollins really improved on he's mic work during this feud. He slowly became more and more confident with he's character and it became more and more convincing as time went on. The passion in he's promos were more really and they allowed us to connect more with him. Seth very quickly became one of the biggest heels the WWE had seen in recent years, and Ambrose has become a huge huge baby face. I think what a lot of people loved was how the tables had been completely turnt. No one would have guessed a year a go that Seth would be the biggest heel around and Dean the biggest baby face around. Most people, including myself predicated that it would be Ambrose who turnt on the shield and became heel and Seth become a huge baby face. As a result Ambrose also became the perfect anti hero and that allowed him to create a connection with the WWE universe that no other WWE superstar could. He brought that sense of unpredictability that everyone loves. You never knew what Dean Ambrose was going to get up too next. As for Seth Rollins, he's a traditionalist. He has something very traditional about him yet he screams new, young and different. He too has a strong connection with the fans, that once again a lot of heel in the company struggle to develop. The passion the fans have towards him is so strong and it's that that really made this feud even better.
The WWE went very old school with this feud. There was stuff in the storyline that we haven't actually seen in a while. The whole mood of it all was different and the fan's always had something positive to say. You knew every single week you would be getting something different and you never knew exactly what was going to happen next. The feud catered for every single member of the WWE universe, the crazy, child like antics from Dean Ambrose satisfied the younger fans and the actual mic work and wrestling work went down a treat with the older fans.
The actual matches were amazing. The two stars competed at two pay per views, the first time being at Summer Slam in a lumberjack match. Now I actually went as far to say this was my favourite Lumberjack match of all time. I admitted was not a huge fan at all of this stipulation but it was perfect and they both managed to shine and was one of the best matches of the year. The night after, on RAW the two battled it out in a falls count anywhere match and once again the stole the show. Their third and final match was at Hell in a cell where the two had one of the best Hell in a cell matches in recent years.
This feud lived up to the hype. Both superstars secured a promising future and they showed that the future of the WWE is in good hands. It gave us everything a pro wrestling fan wants in a storyline and feud. The action was none stop, the mic work was outstanding, the build up was perfect and the ending of the feud was done amazingly. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins have by far had the feud of the year.
Do you agree? Let me know by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Top 10 shocking WWE moments of 2014
Most improved of the year
Heel of the year
Debut of the year
On the third of June Seth Rollins did the unpredictable and turnt on he's fellow Shield members, attacking them both with steel chairs. Not a single member of the WWE universe saw this coming epically considering the fact the three upcoming stars where at an all time high after defeating Evolution for a second time. Early on in the episode of RAW, WWE veteran Batista quit, leaving a sour face on Triple H. So the game rolled up he's sleeves once again and revealed plan B in the closing moments of an epic show. Plan B of course would be Seth Rollins, and the king of kings would once again prove he ever looses. However the actions of Rollins set up one of the biggest, most entertaining feuds of not only 2014 but in many years in the WWE.
Back in FCW, Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins would be apart of one of the biggest feuds in the developmental territory. In fact the biggest feud in FCW history in my opinion. The two young stars competed in some of the best matches the company had seen ad they cemented bright bright futures. Their feud was widely spoke about and everyone wanted to know more about both Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. If you haven't seen their FCW work then I seriously advice you go check them out because there's some seriously outstanding wrestling you are missing out on. The work they did in Florida Championship wrestling made me seriously hope we would see them step in the ring together once again, however this time on the main roster.
When that time did role around the WWE and both Rollins and Ambrose did not let us down at all. From start to finish the feud was action packed and every single WWE fan was 100% into the feud. The passion, the drive, the entrainment, the wrestling ability, everything was pretty much done to perfection and it had everything you could ever want in a professional wrestling feud. The mic work was truly amazing especially from Dean Ambrose. But what I also recognised was how much Rollins really improved on he's mic work during this feud. He slowly became more and more confident with he's character and it became more and more convincing as time went on. The passion in he's promos were more really and they allowed us to connect more with him. Seth very quickly became one of the biggest heels the WWE had seen in recent years, and Ambrose has become a huge huge baby face. I think what a lot of people loved was how the tables had been completely turnt. No one would have guessed a year a go that Seth would be the biggest heel around and Dean the biggest baby face around. Most people, including myself predicated that it would be Ambrose who turnt on the shield and became heel and Seth become a huge baby face. As a result Ambrose also became the perfect anti hero and that allowed him to create a connection with the WWE universe that no other WWE superstar could. He brought that sense of unpredictability that everyone loves. You never knew what Dean Ambrose was going to get up too next. As for Seth Rollins, he's a traditionalist. He has something very traditional about him yet he screams new, young and different. He too has a strong connection with the fans, that once again a lot of heel in the company struggle to develop. The passion the fans have towards him is so strong and it's that that really made this feud even better.
The WWE went very old school with this feud. There was stuff in the storyline that we haven't actually seen in a while. The whole mood of it all was different and the fan's always had something positive to say. You knew every single week you would be getting something different and you never knew exactly what was going to happen next. The feud catered for every single member of the WWE universe, the crazy, child like antics from Dean Ambrose satisfied the younger fans and the actual mic work and wrestling work went down a treat with the older fans.

This feud lived up to the hype. Both superstars secured a promising future and they showed that the future of the WWE is in good hands. It gave us everything a pro wrestling fan wants in a storyline and feud. The action was none stop, the mic work was outstanding, the build up was perfect and the ending of the feud was done amazingly. Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins have by far had the feud of the year.
Do you agree? Let me know by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
Top 10 shocking WWE moments of 2014
Most improved of the year
Heel of the year
Debut of the year
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