Top Twenty superstars of the year: 20-16
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World. So it's December and as you will already know it's a huge month here on my blog as I give out my official top ten, twenties, heel of the year, face of the year and more blog post; kind of like my very own version of the slammys. Today I am taking a look at my top twenty superstars of the year, so it's big one today. Now this is a huge post and so I have split it in half. Today we will take a look at numbers twenty to eleven and next week I will post my numbers ten to one with number one getting their own superstar of the year post witch will be up on the Saturday of that week. Remember that this list has not been influenced by any of my viewers or anyone I follow or follow me on twitter or any other social networking site. I have looked over at all the action of the past 12 months and that's how I have judged the list. This post also includes NXT superstars. I will leave the link's bellow to any recent posts and you can let me know who you're superstar of the year is by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
20) Tyler Breeze
Kicking off my top twenty superstars of the year is the fist NXT entry, Tyler Breeze. When I was taking my notes, and looking back at all the action and note's I had jotted down over the past year, I wanted to make sure I had a couple of NXT superstars in the list, to really spice things up a little and also because the WWE's developmental centre has provided us with some of the best matches of the year and so it only made sense to put in some of the outstanding superstars that have stood out on the roster; when doing so there was one name that really stood out, that man of course was the prince of pretty himself, Tyler Breeze. Breeze has really took over NXT this year. Out of nowhere he came on our screens and was right at the top with the rosters best talent. Prior to this year most people had written Tyler off as one of those superstars who are all looks and character with no actual wrestling ability, however Breeze completely shut the mouths of the critics and proved he is more than a pretty face and is actually one of the most talented upcoming starts in the company. The creative team really did focus on Breeze this year and showing him off in the best way.He's character became more intresting and entertaining and there was simply more to do with him. He was apart of some the best matches of the year, this of course includes he's NXT Takeover one on one match against Sami Zayn; I'm sure most of yo will agree that this was an insane match and the true turning point for Tyler Breeze, this was the true moment we began to see Tyler as a serious wrestler and someone to actually take seriously. He was also apart of the huge fatal four way match at NXT Takeover two fatal four way witch a lot of people are calling the match of the year. The prince of pretty really did shine in this match and made he's mark in not just NXT but the WWE. He was apart of a great NXT tag team match on RAW and really got people talking. He has been apart of great feuds and major storyline's in NXT and has had great merchandise sales from he's t-shirt and phone case. This year Tyler Breeze is hands down one of the top superstars.
19) Adrian Neville
Up next is another NXT superstar and this one comes from the NXT champion himself, Adrian Neville. I know some of you are going to think this is a little of a bias entry because he's from the UK but I promise it's now... sort of. This year, just like Breeze, Neville has took control of the developmental territory. Everyone knew what a huge signing he already was when he arrived in the WWE and so the expectations of him were set very very high, however Adrian has lived up to them extremely well. From the start of this year right to the end Neville has took over NXT being apart of some of the best matches of the year both on the NXT and WWE roster. Back at the first NXT live show, NXT Arrival, Neville participated in the first ever NXT ladder match when he went one on one with longest reining champ Bo Dallas for the championship. This was another of one of the best matches of the year in my opinion and Neville was hands down the stand out throughout. It was also bonus that he actually won and became the new NXT champion. He got an insane reaction from the crowd after what was a great build up and all round feud, this guaranteed an amazing year for Neville witch we would soon see. He would go on to be apart of the biggest storyline's in NXT throughout the whole year with the he's work with Tyson Kidd bringing out the best we had seen in him in he's whole time in the company. I'm sure you will all remember the outstanding match up between the two outstanding superstars at NXT Takeover. It was one of those matches that you remember forever and you tell you kids and grand kids about. At the third live show, NXT Takeover fatal four way, Neville was apart of a huge main event against Tyson Kidd, Tyler Breeze and Sami Zayn and as I have already mentioned a lot of people are considering this to be the match of the year. Neville was insane in this match and all four guys stole the show. What I love also about this year is that we saw many Tyson Kidd/Adrian Neville matches but not a single one was boring and I loved them all, witch is really rare. This year Neville proved to be one of the best high flyers the WWE has around, he is one of the best champions in the company, has a great future ahead and so much more.
18) Bad New's Barrett
At number eighteen is Bad News Barrett. Okay I get this is going to look like I'm so being bias now but I promise promise promise I'm not! Once again when I was looking through all my notes, my blog post and tweets from the year one name just kept jumping up at me from the paper and TV screens. I know their will probably be a little bunch of you reading this that will completely disagree with Barrett being in the list but he has been a serious favourite of mine throughout the time he was working this year and honestly I think he was the saviour of many episodes of RAW this year. Admittedly he didn't start the year off in the best of way's but the WWE used him well in the end the build up to he's in ring return was amazing. Of course he was rocking the "bad news" gimmick that saw him on a pedestal delivering bad news to the WWE roster and WWE universe. This was a great move. It really did push him as good heel really really well and help build him really well as well. The crowd were able to get into he's character and develop some kind of emotion towards him, and weather people loved him or hated him he was getting a reaction and he made people passionate. What was also great was how he was able to push other superstars through this gimmick as well. He's work on the pedestal when he was not actually wrestling really did help add more to the storyline or feud he was talking about, for example the Daniel Bryan/ Authority storyline. This year Barrett really did grow up and he also developed a strong following. A lot of people (including myself) really did want to see Barrett back in in ring action and started questioning when exactly we would see he's return. It actually wouldn't take too long and all of a sudden Barrett became the new Intercontinental champion, for a fourth time in he's career. He got an insane reaction from the crowd and everyone at home when he did return to the ring and everyone expressed the happiness in the fact he was the new champ. He had some great great matches as the champ including one of the best matches of the year with Dolph Ziggler on an episode of RAW. He had several amazing crowd reactions with two sticking out; a match he had with Rey and he's return to the UK in May. It was a shame he had the shoulder injury right before he was going to compete at money in the bank but he had a great thew months.
17) Tyson Kidd
Coming at number 17 will come to no surprise what so ever, as it's the one and only Tyson Kidd. I could honestly talk about Kidd all day long but I know this post is already super super long and I'm only at number 17 and we still have a long way to to go, so I'm gonna try and keep this short and simple and save what I can for a separate post! This year has hands down been the year of Tyson Kidd. After making he's return to the WWE he was put in NXT and it was one of the best decisions the company has ever made. Now at first I wasn't struck on the idea of WWE superstars going down to NXT and to be honest I wasn't all that struck on Tyson Kidd and judged he's capabilities; but I was quickly shut up as Kidd proved going down to NXT was the best thing he has ever done and that superstars going down to developmental is the best career move ever! Once down in NXT Kidd showed us stuff we never ever thought he could do and he worked the ring like a main eventer. Literally like a WWE world champion.They gave him a heel turn and changed up he's look and all of a sudden we had a star on out screens. He showed he has pretty awesome mic skills and he was born to be a heel. He knew exactly how to own the mic and the crowd and he finally got to show what he was made of in the ring. As a result we saw some of the best matches not just of the year but some of the best matches we have seen in the WWE in ages. This year Tyson has shocked the WWE universe and has finally made a huge name for himself and with a huge main roster push on the way things are looking up.
16) Luke Harper
At number 16 is the one and only (quite literally) Luke Harper. Oh come on you saw this coming, none of you can tell me you was not expecting Harper to be in the list. I have already done so many post about Harper this year and I will try and leave the link's to those bellow. I think everyone in the whole entire world know's how much of a big fan I am of Harpers. I loved he's work before the WWE and I love he's work now in the WWE. I think he's a great addition to the company. This year Harper has really made he's name heard. Although the WWE focused on Bray Wyatt it was Luke who was the clear star of the faction and he had a great year with some outstanding moments. He was involved in some of the best tag team matches we have seen from the WWE in years! And in every one of those matches he was the number one stand out. He left the crowd and everyone at home speechless on several occasions by doing stuff in the ring that someone of he's size just doesn't do an he developed a huge following. And after going solo he captured the IC championship and headed right into the Survivor Series main event.
Top twenty matches of the year 20-11
20) Tyler Breeze
Kicking off my top twenty superstars of the year is the fist NXT entry, Tyler Breeze. When I was taking my notes, and looking back at all the action and note's I had jotted down over the past year, I wanted to make sure I had a couple of NXT superstars in the list, to really spice things up a little and also because the WWE's developmental centre has provided us with some of the best matches of the year and so it only made sense to put in some of the outstanding superstars that have stood out on the roster; when doing so there was one name that really stood out, that man of course was the prince of pretty himself, Tyler Breeze. Breeze has really took over NXT this year. Out of nowhere he came on our screens and was right at the top with the rosters best talent. Prior to this year most people had written Tyler off as one of those superstars who are all looks and character with no actual wrestling ability, however Breeze completely shut the mouths of the critics and proved he is more than a pretty face and is actually one of the most talented upcoming starts in the company. The creative team really did focus on Breeze this year and showing him off in the best way.He's character became more intresting and entertaining and there was simply more to do with him. He was apart of some the best matches of the year, this of course includes he's NXT Takeover one on one match against Sami Zayn; I'm sure most of yo will agree that this was an insane match and the true turning point for Tyler Breeze, this was the true moment we began to see Tyler as a serious wrestler and someone to actually take seriously. He was also apart of the huge fatal four way match at NXT Takeover two fatal four way witch a lot of people are calling the match of the year. The prince of pretty really did shine in this match and made he's mark in not just NXT but the WWE. He was apart of a great NXT tag team match on RAW and really got people talking. He has been apart of great feuds and major storyline's in NXT and has had great merchandise sales from he's t-shirt and phone case. This year Tyler Breeze is hands down one of the top superstars.
19) Adrian Neville
Up next is another NXT superstar and this one comes from the NXT champion himself, Adrian Neville. I know some of you are going to think this is a little of a bias entry because he's from the UK but I promise it's now... sort of. This year, just like Breeze, Neville has took control of the developmental territory. Everyone knew what a huge signing he already was when he arrived in the WWE and so the expectations of him were set very very high, however Adrian has lived up to them extremely well. From the start of this year right to the end Neville has took over NXT being apart of some of the best matches of the year both on the NXT and WWE roster. Back at the first NXT live show, NXT Arrival, Neville participated in the first ever NXT ladder match when he went one on one with longest reining champ Bo Dallas for the championship. This was another of one of the best matches of the year in my opinion and Neville was hands down the stand out throughout. It was also bonus that he actually won and became the new NXT champion. He got an insane reaction from the crowd after what was a great build up and all round feud, this guaranteed an amazing year for Neville witch we would soon see. He would go on to be apart of the biggest storyline's in NXT throughout the whole year with the he's work with Tyson Kidd bringing out the best we had seen in him in he's whole time in the company. I'm sure you will all remember the outstanding match up between the two outstanding superstars at NXT Takeover. It was one of those matches that you remember forever and you tell you kids and grand kids about. At the third live show, NXT Takeover fatal four way, Neville was apart of a huge main event against Tyson Kidd, Tyler Breeze and Sami Zayn and as I have already mentioned a lot of people are considering this to be the match of the year. Neville was insane in this match and all four guys stole the show. What I love also about this year is that we saw many Tyson Kidd/Adrian Neville matches but not a single one was boring and I loved them all, witch is really rare. This year Neville proved to be one of the best high flyers the WWE has around, he is one of the best champions in the company, has a great future ahead and so much more.
18) Bad New's Barrett
At number eighteen is Bad News Barrett. Okay I get this is going to look like I'm so being bias now but I promise promise promise I'm not! Once again when I was looking through all my notes, my blog post and tweets from the year one name just kept jumping up at me from the paper and TV screens. I know their will probably be a little bunch of you reading this that will completely disagree with Barrett being in the list but he has been a serious favourite of mine throughout the time he was working this year and honestly I think he was the saviour of many episodes of RAW this year. Admittedly he didn't start the year off in the best of way's but the WWE used him well in the end the build up to he's in ring return was amazing. Of course he was rocking the "bad news" gimmick that saw him on a pedestal delivering bad news to the WWE roster and WWE universe. This was a great move. It really did push him as good heel really really well and help build him really well as well. The crowd were able to get into he's character and develop some kind of emotion towards him, and weather people loved him or hated him he was getting a reaction and he made people passionate. What was also great was how he was able to push other superstars through this gimmick as well. He's work on the pedestal when he was not actually wrestling really did help add more to the storyline or feud he was talking about, for example the Daniel Bryan/ Authority storyline. This year Barrett really did grow up and he also developed a strong following. A lot of people (including myself) really did want to see Barrett back in in ring action and started questioning when exactly we would see he's return. It actually wouldn't take too long and all of a sudden Barrett became the new Intercontinental champion, for a fourth time in he's career. He got an insane reaction from the crowd and everyone at home when he did return to the ring and everyone expressed the happiness in the fact he was the new champ. He had some great great matches as the champ including one of the best matches of the year with Dolph Ziggler on an episode of RAW. He had several amazing crowd reactions with two sticking out; a match he had with Rey and he's return to the UK in May. It was a shame he had the shoulder injury right before he was going to compete at money in the bank but he had a great thew months.
17) Tyson Kidd

16) Luke Harper
At number 16 is the one and only (quite literally) Luke Harper. Oh come on you saw this coming, none of you can tell me you was not expecting Harper to be in the list. I have already done so many post about Harper this year and I will try and leave the link's to those bellow. I think everyone in the whole entire world know's how much of a big fan I am of Harpers. I loved he's work before the WWE and I love he's work now in the WWE. I think he's a great addition to the company. This year Harper has really made he's name heard. Although the WWE focused on Bray Wyatt it was Luke who was the clear star of the faction and he had a great year with some outstanding moments. He was involved in some of the best tag team matches we have seen from the WWE in years! And in every one of those matches he was the number one stand out. He left the crowd and everyone at home speechless on several occasions by doing stuff in the ring that someone of he's size just doesn't do an he developed a huge following. And after going solo he captured the IC championship and headed right into the Survivor Series main event.
Top twenty matches of the year 20-11
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