RAW Review and Reactions
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World. So this is my final review and reactions post before Christmas and one of my last matches of twenty fourteen, witch sounds pretty weird, everything has gone by so quickly. All this month I have been giving you my official "of the year" posts including diva of the year, feud of the year,match of the year and plenty plenty more. Today my final post of the series will go up as I announce my superstar of the year. Anyway, onto to today's actual post. The show last night wasn't that bad. I did't have my hopes up too high because lets face it, the Christmas show's are never that great. However with Hulk Hogan (known as Ho Ho Hogan for the night) as the special guest and taking full control of he's one night of power, the three hour live show wasn't too bad after all. We had some great story development, strong matches throughout and an amazing main event. Remember you can let me know what you thought of last nights Christmas themed RAW by leaving a comment bellow or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria. I will also leave some link's bellow to any recent posts so you can keep all up to date on everything.
The night kicked off with the special guest as announced the previous week, Hulk Hogan, or should I say Ho Ho Hogan. The WWE Hall Of Famer came out to the ring dressed as Santa and get a great reaction from what was a really good great (at times). Hogan would of course hit that mic and address the WWE universe with the usual stuff we here and it wouldn't take long for the opening to get even worse as John Cena made he's way to the ring also. At this moment I was really tempted to turn the Television over for five minuets or so. The two went at it in a rather horrible segment things soon all turnt to Cena as usual. However, the opening would soon be saved as Mr Money in the bank, Seth Rollins made he's presences known, come out to address both John Cena and the WWE universe. Seth of course began boasting about he's win last week over Cena and then brought up Sting once again and the Authority. Cena then did that thing when he think's he's delivering a good promo when all he's doing is cursing and trying to be funny. Anyway, this all led to Cena asking or demanding for a one on one match against Rollins and with Hogan in charge, it was only he who could make the match and so he did and he ended up making it the first match of the night.
Now, I have mentioned it several times over the past month or so, that Cena and Rollins put on amazing matches against each other. They did when Rollins was apart of the Shield and they have done so with him as a solo superstar. But that being said I don't want see the two go at it week after week so I wasn't really into the match as much as I was last week. However, these two once again brought it last night and had an amazing amazing match up, living up tot he expectations completely. It was a very split match with Rollins taking a lot of control and of course being the number one stand out. I didn't understand the ending as Cena managed to score a clean win witch I don't get but then again I'm not surprised. Why would they have an up and coming, extremely talented superstar cleanly defeat a thirty seven year old been there done that superstar? Oh how I'm left ever so confused.
There were many pointless matches last night and usual I save this part of the post to the end but I'm gonna go throw them now instead. The first was the second match of the night witch saw Jack Swagger go one on one with Fandango. Now, I have a huge problem with how the WWE treat both of these guys. These are to extremely talented superstars being completely wasted. Personally, I'm a huge fan of Swagger, I have been since he started out in the WWE and he's not some kind of no talent no charisma superstar. This is a former World Heavyweight champion, a former money in the bank winner. This guy has had matches with the likes of Randy Orton on pay per view and now he's jobbing to new talent and being used to put over guy's like Fandango. It makes me so angry seeing how they treat him and how little belief they have in him. There has been so many huge opportunities they had with him this year to really push him, but their so protective of their new talent and either over pushing them or under using them they forget they still have strong, young talent not being used correctly. The same goes for Fandango. The gimmick worked at first but it's got tot he point were the dance gimmick needs to go. Some of you may remember him back in NXT when NXT first came about. He was a promising you star with the potential to be a main eventer, now look. I hope both these guy's get better treatment in the new year. Last night saw Fandango pick up the win. This was a bad choice in my opinion. I get their trying to do boost Fandango up with he's "new" image, but Swagger was in need of a win, big or small after losing again to Rusev a thew weeks back. We then had Adam Rose VS R- Truth. This was just another match to push the heat between the bunny and Adam Rose. R-truth managed to score a quick win and after the match Rose decided to go all Leo Kruger on that Bunny. I think I like what they're doing with Adam, if it turns out right we could see something really good from him in the next year.
Before RAW even began, the WWE announced that Roman Reigns would go one on one with the big show. I predicted this in my prediction post witch I will leave the link to bellow, and the match could no be any more predictable. I was more than happy to see that this was not the main event because I would of gone straight to bed if it was anyway. The match was how I predicted. Boring and well thought out. The match was simply there to make Reigns look good and give him that extra push upon he's return. Thee match ended in count out witch made no sense to me. If they were trying to make Reigns look strong why did they have him have such a weak win? And for some reason the WWE are really pushing Big show and I have no idea why and if I get into the whole Erick Rowan thing I won't stop, so let's not go there this week.
Divas time now and last night we had two divas matches, and they were actually that bad. I mean they weren't NXT style but they were okay. Natalya managed to score another win over Brie Bella. This is the second time she has managed to get Brie to submit in two weeks and at the end of the match Nattie would take the divas championship and rise it in the air, a little hint she is next to challenge Nikki for the title. Now, you all know how much I love Natalya. She's hands down the most talented diva the WWE have but yet the company fail to give her the ring time and recognition she deserves. After her match with Charlotte at NXT Takeover, I was so glad to see her fan base grow and people finally be able to see just how talented she is. They use her time and time again to put over the younger, up coming talent when the reality of it is is she needs the spotlight herself. I really hope Natalya can go one to get a title shot and actually win. She more than deserves it and with Charlotte coming up to the main roster it would make so much sense for Nikki to drop the title to her, I mean come on, who doesn't wanna see a Flair/Heart feud again? Later on in the night we got a tag team match with the team of Alicia Fox, Naomi and Emma VS the team of Cameron, Summer Rae and Paige. The match was actually pretty decent and Paige was extremely over with the crowd as she got we want Paige chants and big reactions. Naomi was the stand out the match of course, still managing to shock people with her athleticism. I'm also loving the baby face Alicia Fox, and it was her who managed to score the win for her team.

One of the best matches of the night came from Dolph Ziggler and Luke Harper as Ziggler put he's intercontinental championship on the line. These two always manage to put on amazing amazing match ups and last night was no different. Of course I would of loved to have seen Harper hold the title again but Ziggler was the worthy winner and the two were huge stand outs. There was also a great pipers pit witch saw the feud between Rusev and Ryback grow.
Main even time and I was so happy to see that Ambrose and Wyatt were main eventing once again.
These two really do deserve this spot and they completely stole the show. I love how the WWE are beginning to shake up the main events a little and hopefully that becomes a bigger thing in the next year also. The match had that touch of ECW and with a pretty crazy crowd the match was just outstanding. I remember watching it and thinking these two are absolutely amazing, and to think they are so young and so experienced really does mean the future of the company is in perfect hands. Bray picked up the win even though I thought it should of been Ambrose, however it was Dean who looked strong at the end of the night.
RAW Predictions
The night kicked off with the special guest as announced the previous week, Hulk Hogan, or should I say Ho Ho Hogan. The WWE Hall Of Famer came out to the ring dressed as Santa and get a great reaction from what was a really good great (at times). Hogan would of course hit that mic and address the WWE universe with the usual stuff we here and it wouldn't take long for the opening to get even worse as John Cena made he's way to the ring also. At this moment I was really tempted to turn the Television over for five minuets or so. The two went at it in a rather horrible segment things soon all turnt to Cena as usual. However, the opening would soon be saved as Mr Money in the bank, Seth Rollins made he's presences known, come out to address both John Cena and the WWE universe. Seth of course began boasting about he's win last week over Cena and then brought up Sting once again and the Authority. Cena then did that thing when he think's he's delivering a good promo when all he's doing is cursing and trying to be funny. Anyway, this all led to Cena asking or demanding for a one on one match against Rollins and with Hogan in charge, it was only he who could make the match and so he did and he ended up making it the first match of the night.
Now, I have mentioned it several times over the past month or so, that Cena and Rollins put on amazing matches against each other. They did when Rollins was apart of the Shield and they have done so with him as a solo superstar. But that being said I don't want see the two go at it week after week so I wasn't really into the match as much as I was last week. However, these two once again brought it last night and had an amazing amazing match up, living up tot he expectations completely. It was a very split match with Rollins taking a lot of control and of course being the number one stand out. I didn't understand the ending as Cena managed to score a clean win witch I don't get but then again I'm not surprised. Why would they have an up and coming, extremely talented superstar cleanly defeat a thirty seven year old been there done that superstar? Oh how I'm left ever so confused.
There were many pointless matches last night and usual I save this part of the post to the end but I'm gonna go throw them now instead. The first was the second match of the night witch saw Jack Swagger go one on one with Fandango. Now, I have a huge problem with how the WWE treat both of these guys. These are to extremely talented superstars being completely wasted. Personally, I'm a huge fan of Swagger, I have been since he started out in the WWE and he's not some kind of no talent no charisma superstar. This is a former World Heavyweight champion, a former money in the bank winner. This guy has had matches with the likes of Randy Orton on pay per view and now he's jobbing to new talent and being used to put over guy's like Fandango. It makes me so angry seeing how they treat him and how little belief they have in him. There has been so many huge opportunities they had with him this year to really push him, but their so protective of their new talent and either over pushing them or under using them they forget they still have strong, young talent not being used correctly. The same goes for Fandango. The gimmick worked at first but it's got tot he point were the dance gimmick needs to go. Some of you may remember him back in NXT when NXT first came about. He was a promising you star with the potential to be a main eventer, now look. I hope both these guy's get better treatment in the new year. Last night saw Fandango pick up the win. This was a bad choice in my opinion. I get their trying to do boost Fandango up with he's "new" image, but Swagger was in need of a win, big or small after losing again to Rusev a thew weeks back. We then had Adam Rose VS R- Truth. This was just another match to push the heat between the bunny and Adam Rose. R-truth managed to score a quick win and after the match Rose decided to go all Leo Kruger on that Bunny. I think I like what they're doing with Adam, if it turns out right we could see something really good from him in the next year.
Before RAW even began, the WWE announced that Roman Reigns would go one on one with the big show. I predicted this in my prediction post witch I will leave the link to bellow, and the match could no be any more predictable. I was more than happy to see that this was not the main event because I would of gone straight to bed if it was anyway. The match was how I predicted. Boring and well thought out. The match was simply there to make Reigns look good and give him that extra push upon he's return. Thee match ended in count out witch made no sense to me. If they were trying to make Reigns look strong why did they have him have such a weak win? And for some reason the WWE are really pushing Big show and I have no idea why and if I get into the whole Erick Rowan thing I won't stop, so let's not go there this week.
Divas time now and last night we had two divas matches, and they were actually that bad. I mean they weren't NXT style but they were okay. Natalya managed to score another win over Brie Bella. This is the second time she has managed to get Brie to submit in two weeks and at the end of the match Nattie would take the divas championship and rise it in the air, a little hint she is next to challenge Nikki for the title. Now, you all know how much I love Natalya. She's hands down the most talented diva the WWE have but yet the company fail to give her the ring time and recognition she deserves. After her match with Charlotte at NXT Takeover, I was so glad to see her fan base grow and people finally be able to see just how talented she is. They use her time and time again to put over the younger, up coming talent when the reality of it is is she needs the spotlight herself. I really hope Natalya can go one to get a title shot and actually win. She more than deserves it and with Charlotte coming up to the main roster it would make so much sense for Nikki to drop the title to her, I mean come on, who doesn't wanna see a Flair/Heart feud again? Later on in the night we got a tag team match with the team of Alicia Fox, Naomi and Emma VS the team of Cameron, Summer Rae and Paige. The match was actually pretty decent and Paige was extremely over with the crowd as she got we want Paige chants and big reactions. Naomi was the stand out the match of course, still managing to shock people with her athleticism. I'm also loving the baby face Alicia Fox, and it was her who managed to score the win for her team.

One of the best matches of the night came from Dolph Ziggler and Luke Harper as Ziggler put he's intercontinental championship on the line. These two always manage to put on amazing amazing match ups and last night was no different. Of course I would of loved to have seen Harper hold the title again but Ziggler was the worthy winner and the two were huge stand outs. There was also a great pipers pit witch saw the feud between Rusev and Ryback grow.
Main even time and I was so happy to see that Ambrose and Wyatt were main eventing once again.
These two really do deserve this spot and they completely stole the show. I love how the WWE are beginning to shake up the main events a little and hopefully that becomes a bigger thing in the next year also. The match had that touch of ECW and with a pretty crazy crowd the match was just outstanding. I remember watching it and thinking these two are absolutely amazing, and to think they are so young and so experienced really does mean the future of the company is in perfect hands. Bray picked up the win even though I thought it should of been Ambrose, however it was Dean who looked strong at the end of the night.
RAW Predictions
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