RAW Review & Reactions
Hello everyone and welcome back to Talk Wrestling World. It's Tuesday witch of course can only mean one thing,it's time for my RAW Review and reactions. We are two week's away from the final pay per view of the year, TLC, and as the show focused around building up pay per view and getting more matches on the card, today we're taking a look at last night's action and analysing how the live three hour show has changed things up for the live pay per view taking place on the fourteenth of December. It's also a huge month here on Talk Wrestling World with it being my big posts of the year so I will leave the link's bellow to any recent posts so you can all keep up to date, including my debut of the year, RAW predictions and last week's edition of my RAW Review and reactions. You can also let me know what YOU thought of last night's action by leaving a comment bellow in the comments section or by tweeting me at @TezangiVictoria.
So we are just under two week's away from the final WWE pay per view of the year, and last night Monday night RAW focused around building up the pay per view and the card for the night. With both hints and announcements of more matches for TLC, the final big show of the year is looking to be a strong one. However I have to admit, I was really disappointed with last night's episode of RAW. It felt like they tried to do too much in one night and so many thing's didn't make sense; and with a poor crowd I honestly struggled to stay awake through the three hours. Yes, there was some good, strong moment's but all together it was a weak show, and they're gonna have to pull off a great show next week in order to get everyone ready for the TLC pay per view and last show of 2014.
So last night kick started with the anonymous RAW general manager, witch meant the WWE universe was forced to listen to more Michael Cole. It didn't take long for the evil laptop (yes I did just say that) to start causing trouble on the roster. However our saviour (heavy sarcasm), John Cena would soon come out to confront both the WWE universe and the RAW general manager. Before I had enough time to go and jump in front of a bus Seth Rollins joined the opening segment and would work the mic like a true pro, digging right into Cena, claiming the WWE needs the Authority back in charge, and I have to admit I one hundred per cent agree. At this point I think I would rather have the bunny run the show rather than the anonymous raw general manager again. Talking of the Mr (or Mrs) Anonymous, the un-named GM would use the twos heated segment against them and announce that at the TLC pay per view John Cena and Seth Rollins will go one on one in a tables match, with the added stipulation that if Cena loses he is no longer the number one contender for Brock Lesnars WWE World Heavyweight championship. Now I'm actually really looking forward to this match. This could be a true turning point for Rollins can could really cement a good future and up coming year for the young superstar. I will obviously talk more about this in my TLC predictions for this match but I thought this was a great idea. I do think it's going to be interesting to see what will go down if Cena does actually lose however. Who will be the number contender? What will happen to Cena heading into the new year? Anyway, it wouldn't take long for everything to get a little crazy as a brawl between big show, Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Rollins, Kane, Erick Rowan, Ryback and J&J security witch saw the heels left standing and would also set the scene for the night's main event.
First match of the night was the tag team turmoil to determine the number one contenders for a shot at the tag team championships currently being held by The Miz and Damien Mizdow. This match left me feeling really confused and nothing and I mean nothing made sense what so ever. From the actual tag teams competing to the end result nothing made sense and to be honest I was really really disappointed with how this planned out. The two teams to start the match, were former champs Gold and Stardust and debuting on RAW, The New day. Now I thought the New day were going to win this. Their a new idea and it was their debut night on RAW together. It made so much sense to build them and I honestly think that having them go out and fail to pick up the win was a big big mistake and it's made me think that they really have given up on the idea already. I also mentioned last night I think they should be heels just because I think they would connect more with the fans and storyline wise there is a lot more they can do with them as heels. The second thing that made no sense was the teaming of Cesaro and Tyson Kidd. These are two of the most talented superstars on the roster yet the WWE treat them terribly. I've been saying it for ages now but it's clear the best thing for Cesaro is a face turn, why they haven't turnt him yet, I don't know. That being said they did work really well together last night and there was a small part of me that thought keeping these two as a tag team would not be a bad idea. Anyway, long story short the Usos picked up the win so you can imagine how I angry I was and still am to be honest. I have no idea why the WWE are still shoving these guys down our throats. Yes, their a great tag team but they've pretty much been on every single pay per view this year either defending or trying to capture the WWE tag team championships. The tag division is something the WWE really do need to work on in the upcoming year. They also hinted a new direction for Jimmy Uso last night. It appears the WWE are planning on doing a storyline between Jimmy and Naomi making them a more on screen couple as well, portraying Jimmy as the jealous husband. I really hate this idea. I think it's just pushing Naomi back even more but I'm going to stay positive and hope for the best because it could turn out to be a great idea. Maybe.
Up next was the only match to put a little smile on my face and it of course was the one on one match up between the big show and Erick Rowan. I mentioned last week that I think this a perfect feud to kick start Rowan's solo career. The WWE universe love him and he is fast becoming a favourite of mine. The character development of Rowan has been great and he has really come into himself, gaining a huge following. The match itself was decent. Nothing amazing but it was good and I was sure into it. I do think it should of been longer but I think it's clear they're saving this match for TLC. Once again Rowan managed to show a lot in the ring and I will say it again but I honest think he has so much more to show and he clearly has a strong move set that we are yet to really see yet. The match ended via DQ when show brought steel steps into the picture, witch left a nice little mark on the head of Erick Rowan. We can more than expect these two to collide at the TLC pay per view.
The WWE have also got Swagger and Rusev feuding one again. I have mixed feelings about this. I mentioned ages ago that I thought their feud was too early, the timing was all wrong. They should of waited for Rusev or Swagger to hold the championship before they ever feuded so it's really hard to get into the storyline a second time round knowing how disappointing their last one was. However, that being said, I do have high hoped second time round. With Rusev as the United states champion it mean's a huge push is almost certain for Swagger and the next couple of months are going to be really important for both of these superstars. I do however think the WWE need to be extremely careful with this storyline. They have been there before with these two and it didn't work and with Rusev being so early in he's career they have to be so careful they don't do all the wrong things. As for Swagger, this could be a huge Turing point for him. It really pushes him as a baby face and it's more than likely that in the next couple of months he will be the new United states champion. I just think the WWE need to be careful not to make history repeat itself too much.
Other wins of the night include Damien Mizdow/Sandow defeating Fernando, witch left me with a huge smile on my face of course.
Bray Wyatt scored a win over R-truth. Yes, you read right, R-truth. The WWE actually had one of it's top talents go up against r-truth. Right I think I speak for the entire WWE universe when I say, what the actual fuck are WWE doing with Bray Wyatt and Dean Ambrose at the moment. The booking has just been terrible and they really do need to get their shit together. They have however had a much stinger build up to their TLC match than they did their Survivor Series match up. I will obviously be talking more about this in my prediction post next week. Last night it was Ambrose left with momentum on he's side even though it was Bray who scooped up a RAW win. Bray also delivered another killer promo.
AJ Lee and Naomi defeated Nikki and Brie also last night, in tag team action. I said it last night and I will say it again, I love AJ but the WWE need to keep her away from the championship for a good year. It's time for the other divas to step into the spotlight. If they have her as champ again this year I'm gonna lose my mind. It was AJ and Nikki who stole the match in my opinion and I'm still not sure what the WWE are doing with Brie at the moment.
Main event time and it was actually a really strong lengthy match and despite being really tired I was really into the match. Stand outs for me where Ziggler, Rollins and Harper. I didn't like the ending, the WWE really need to work on Harpers win/lose ratio. Once again it was the baby faces left standing and Rowan got he's moment to shine.
Debut of the year
Top five superstars of the week
RAW Predictions
So we are just under two week's away from the final WWE pay per view of the year, and last night Monday night RAW focused around building up the pay per view and the card for the night. With both hints and announcements of more matches for TLC, the final big show of the year is looking to be a strong one. However I have to admit, I was really disappointed with last night's episode of RAW. It felt like they tried to do too much in one night and so many thing's didn't make sense; and with a poor crowd I honestly struggled to stay awake through the three hours. Yes, there was some good, strong moment's but all together it was a weak show, and they're gonna have to pull off a great show next week in order to get everyone ready for the TLC pay per view and last show of 2014.
So last night kick started with the anonymous RAW general manager, witch meant the WWE universe was forced to listen to more Michael Cole. It didn't take long for the evil laptop (yes I did just say that) to start causing trouble on the roster. However our saviour (heavy sarcasm), John Cena would soon come out to confront both the WWE universe and the RAW general manager. Before I had enough time to go and jump in front of a bus Seth Rollins joined the opening segment and would work the mic like a true pro, digging right into Cena, claiming the WWE needs the Authority back in charge, and I have to admit I one hundred per cent agree. At this point I think I would rather have the bunny run the show rather than the anonymous raw general manager again. Talking of the Mr (or Mrs) Anonymous, the un-named GM would use the twos heated segment against them and announce that at the TLC pay per view John Cena and Seth Rollins will go one on one in a tables match, with the added stipulation that if Cena loses he is no longer the number one contender for Brock Lesnars WWE World Heavyweight championship. Now I'm actually really looking forward to this match. This could be a true turning point for Rollins can could really cement a good future and up coming year for the young superstar. I will obviously talk more about this in my TLC predictions for this match but I thought this was a great idea. I do think it's going to be interesting to see what will go down if Cena does actually lose however. Who will be the number contender? What will happen to Cena heading into the new year? Anyway, it wouldn't take long for everything to get a little crazy as a brawl between big show, Cena, Dolph Ziggler, Rollins, Kane, Erick Rowan, Ryback and J&J security witch saw the heels left standing and would also set the scene for the night's main event.

Up next was the only match to put a little smile on my face and it of course was the one on one match up between the big show and Erick Rowan. I mentioned last week that I think this a perfect feud to kick start Rowan's solo career. The WWE universe love him and he is fast becoming a favourite of mine. The character development of Rowan has been great and he has really come into himself, gaining a huge following. The match itself was decent. Nothing amazing but it was good and I was sure into it. I do think it should of been longer but I think it's clear they're saving this match for TLC. Once again Rowan managed to show a lot in the ring and I will say it again but I honest think he has so much more to show and he clearly has a strong move set that we are yet to really see yet. The match ended via DQ when show brought steel steps into the picture, witch left a nice little mark on the head of Erick Rowan. We can more than expect these two to collide at the TLC pay per view.
The WWE have also got Swagger and Rusev feuding one again. I have mixed feelings about this. I mentioned ages ago that I thought their feud was too early, the timing was all wrong. They should of waited for Rusev or Swagger to hold the championship before they ever feuded so it's really hard to get into the storyline a second time round knowing how disappointing their last one was. However, that being said, I do have high hoped second time round. With Rusev as the United states champion it mean's a huge push is almost certain for Swagger and the next couple of months are going to be really important for both of these superstars. I do however think the WWE need to be extremely careful with this storyline. They have been there before with these two and it didn't work and with Rusev being so early in he's career they have to be so careful they don't do all the wrong things. As for Swagger, this could be a huge Turing point for him. It really pushes him as a baby face and it's more than likely that in the next couple of months he will be the new United states champion. I just think the WWE need to be careful not to make history repeat itself too much.
Other wins of the night include Damien Mizdow/Sandow defeating Fernando, witch left me with a huge smile on my face of course.

AJ Lee and Naomi defeated Nikki and Brie also last night, in tag team action. I said it last night and I will say it again, I love AJ but the WWE need to keep her away from the championship for a good year. It's time for the other divas to step into the spotlight. If they have her as champ again this year I'm gonna lose my mind. It was AJ and Nikki who stole the match in my opinion and I'm still not sure what the WWE are doing with Brie at the moment.
Main event time and it was actually a really strong lengthy match and despite being really tired I was really into the match. Stand outs for me where Ziggler, Rollins and Harper. I didn't like the ending, the WWE really need to work on Harpers win/lose ratio. Once again it was the baby faces left standing and Rowan got he's moment to shine.
Debut of the year
Top five superstars of the week
RAW Predictions
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